Headquarters, State Of South Carolina,
March 24, 1861.
General Beauregard:
My Dear General: I have read the papers and your note to Major Anderson. As to the inventory suggested, of all public property, would it not be well to wait his propositions first? Because, if we propose an inventory, it will imply that our Government is to be responsible for the amount in any future settlement, whereas, considering that the United States forces inaugurated a state of hostilities, approaching a state of war (by the removal from Moultrie, by leaving the carriages, spiking the guns, and cutting down the flagstaff, and left the fort in actual flames, which would have reached the magazine if I had not taken possession and stopped the progress), then the attempt to throw re-enforcements in and the whole course of the Government and command here, has forfeited all claim for future accountability for armament and public property in this fort now; besides, the expenses they have forced us to, in order to ward off the conquest and subjugation intended by their occupation of Sumter, all cancel the obligation to account. If Anderson should offer or desire to have an inventory, then I will agree to it with pleasure, or any reasonable request, so as to get them out without difficulty. But I would, when they retire, sign the inventory with a protest against the Government being finally responsible, unless it might be expedient to do so in a full settlement. I have no idea that Anderson has as yet any authority to agree to your propositions in any shape, because I do not think the Government has yet empowered him. I merely throw out these suggestions for the present, and have no objections to your sending a letter somewhat like yours, if you think the time has now arrived.
With great regard, yours, very truly,

(Source: The War of the Rebellion: v. 1-53 [serial no. 1-111] Formal reports, both Union and Confederate, of the first seizures of United States property in the southern states, and of all military operations in the field, with the correspondence, orders and returns relating specially thereto. 1880-98.)