Texas Baptist [Anderson, TX], August 23, 1860
August 10. Brother Baines: In these time of peril, when every community is threatened with insurrection and murder, any fact which may put our citizens upon their guard will doubtless be of interest to our readers. Almost every day brings some new evidence to establish the suggestion I made in my last letter, viz: that the men are among us who have instigated the late efforts for the destruction of life and property.
A few days ago two men, whose names I am not able to give, living in what is known as the Tennessee Colony, in Anderson county, were convicted as partakers in this iniquitous plot, and executed upon the gallous . I learn that four or five others are being pursued and will share the same fate if caught.
It is reported that on the day of the election at Athens, while the men were at the polls, two shrill blasts of a horn were heard near the town, and in a few minutes a stable was seen in flames, every man rushed to his dwelling and the town was saved.
I learned on yesterday that on Sunday evening last, the day before the election, while the people of Henderson, Rusk co., were at supper the town was set of fire, and the greater part of it burnt to ashes; the loss is estimated at from $300,000 to $400,000.
Tyler has been strictly guarded for several weeks. It is rumored that an effort was made to set fire to this town also, but I cannot vouch for the report.
No town should be without a faithful watch or patroll every night, and the safety of every community demands that every vagerant or suspicious character should be closely watched, or made to leave the county.
We shall not be surprised to find that there are men engaged in this thing, whose position in society claims an unusual share of public confidence. We would not impeach any man’s character upon doubtful testimony, but time will reveal the facts.
A negro man belonging to Maj. Lewis, a few miles from this place, was shot on Thursday last, by Mr. Ghant, and supposed to be mortally wounded. The negro had been heard to make his boasts that in two weeks he would have Miss Ghant for his wife, was seized and while in the custody of Mr. Ghant he attempted to make his escape, and was shot.
………….D. B. M.