January 22, 1861, The Charleston Mercury
We learn that the Northeastern Railroad Company has generously offered to transport, free of charge, the troops which have arrived from Darlington, Marion and Williamsburg. They have also offered to transport negros intended for the service of the State. The following regulations of detail have been adopted:
CHARLESTON, January 16, 1861.
The Northeastern Railroad Company have consented to convey to and from Charleston, free of charge, the Darlington Guards, the Marion Volunteers, and the Kingstree Company, subject to the following regulations, which will be strictly observed, on and after this date:
Any member of either the above named companies, or others, conveyed over the road, having a furlough, will be required to pay his full fare, going and returning, under said furlough.
Any member having a discharge from service from the Captain of his Company, and who will show the same at the Railroad Ticket Office, and have it countersigned by the Agent, will be passed over the Road, free of charge.
All negros, intended for the service of the State, with their owner, or one white person to superintend them, will be passed to and from Charleston, free of charge, provided such owner or white person first obtains permission from the Company’s Superintendent, otherwise he will pay the usual fares to the city, which amount will be refunded by this company, upon presentation of the Quarter Master General’s certificate, upon being shown to the CompanyTicket Agent, will secure their return free of charge.
In all cases, where these regulations, are not complied with, the Conductors of the Trains will collect the full fares of the Company.
S. S. SOLOMONS, Eng. and Sup. Northeastern Railroad.