June 13, 1863, Menphis Daily Appeal (Atlanta, Ga)
The Huntsville Advocate says that during the recent Federal raid into Florence, Ala., they burnt the three cotton factories of Martin, Weakley & Co., which worked up 4000 bales per year; the woolen factories of Darby, Benham & Co., and of James Martin & Son–five factories. In Florence, they burnt the Masonic hall, one unoccupied tavern, two blacksmith, one coach and one carpenter’s shops, three unoccupied houses, one small residence, etc. They broke open every store in the place, took what they could carry off, robbed citizens of money, watches, jewelry, horses, etc., took off some negroes, desolated and burned Mrs. James Jackson’s place, etc. They also burned several mills and tan yards in the county. This is a fearful inventory the memory of which should be cherished, for a proper application of the principle of lex talionis.