War of the Rebellion: from the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies and Navies

Extracts from the journal of Commander Semmes, C.S. Navy, commanding C.S.S. Sumter

Friday, July 5.—Cloudy, with a moderate trade. Just before daylight one of the prizes broke adrift. Recovered her and let go the one we had in tow and directed the officer in charge to work his way into Cienfuegos. At about 2 p.m. crossed the shoal off the east end of the reef of the Jardinillos, in 5 and 6 and 7, etc., fathoms water, and hauled up N. E. by N., which course ran us some 6 or 7 miles to the westward of the light. As we approached the light we descried two sail in the southeast, distant some 8 or 9 miles. Cast off our tow and gave chase. At about 9.30 came up with and captured the U.S. brigantines Ben Dunning and Albert Adams, and put prize crews on board of them. Stood off and on the light during the night.
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