–Mrs. Judge Daly, of New York, and a number of ladies associated with her, sent to the Sixty-ninth regiment 1,260 linen havelocks–a complement sufficient to supply the whole regiment.–N. Y. Herald, May 21.
–The ship Argo, which was captured in Hampton Roads on Sunday afternoon, (May 10,) by the United States steam frigate Minnesota, arrived at New York in charge of a prize crew under command of Midshipman McCook and Clerk Elias W. Hall. The Argo was bound from Richmond, Virginia, for Bremen, and at the time of her seizure had on board $150,000 worth of tobacco.–N. Y. Journal of Commerce, May 21.
–At precisely 8 o’clock P. M., by order of the Government, a descent was made by the United States Marshals upon every considerable telegraph office throughout the Free States, and the accumulated despatches of the twelvemonth past were seized. The object was to obtain evidence of the operations of the Southern rebels with their Northern accomplices, which the confidential telegrams passing between them could most certainly furnish. The seizures in all the principal cities were made at the same time so as to prevent the destruction of evidence which might have followed the receipt of a warning from any particular point. The whole matter was managed with the greatest secrecy, and so well planned that the project was a complete success. By this bold manoeuvre the Government has obtained possession of a mass of evidence of the greatest importance. N. Y. Tribune, May 21.
–The ordinance of secession was passed by the North Carolina State Convention, together with an ordinance ratifying and assenting to the Constitution of the Confederate States.–(Doc. 179.)
–Bram S. Vosburgh, Colonel of the New York Seventy-first Regiment, died in Washington, D. C., of a pulmonary complaint.–N. Y. Express, May 20.
–Gen Butler left Washington for Annapolis. The New York Second Regiment left New York for the seat of war.–(Doc. 180.)–N. Y. Tribune, May 21.
–Gov. Magoffin, of Kentucky, issued a proclamation pretentiously in obedience to public; sentiment, by which Kentucky virtually takes a position of neutrality, and in which its citizens are bidden to “so conduct themselves that the deplorable calamity of invasion may be averted.”–(Doc. 181.)
–Military maps of Virginia made for Gov. Letcher, from special surveys, were seized in Washington by the War Department.–N. Y. Tribune, May 21.