The Rebellion Record – A Diary of American Events; by Frank Moore

A Diary of American Events – June 6, 1861

–Gov. Pickens of South Carolina issued a proclamation saying:–“I have understood that many good people have been remitting funds to creditors in Northern States. In the existing relations of the country such conduct is in conflict with public law, and all citizens–are hereby warned against the consequences.”–N. Y. Tribune, June 14.

–This evening the Town Guard of Harrodsburg, Ky., were attracted to the Spring Grounds by a noise in that direction. When they came near the old shooting gallery they heard voices responding to one who seemed to be officiating as an officer. Surrounding the building, they pushed open the door, and lo! an assembly of Knights of the Golden Circle in masks! One of the Guard, on entering, knocked off the mask of one of the Knights; and a lawyer and secessionist stood forth. No examination of the arcana was made, a majority of the Guards being secessionists. Several Virginia gentlemen were in Harrodsburg that night.–Louisville Journal, June 14.

–The Nineteenth N. Y. Regiment, Colonel Clark commander, left Elmira for Washington, via Harrisburg. An immense concourse of people witnessed the departure. Great enthusiasm prevailed–N. Y: Herald, June 7.

–A meeting was held at the Cooper Institute, in New York, for the purpose of securing the cooperation of citizens in the endeavor to provide for the religious wants of volunteers. Wm. E. Dodge, Esq., presided, and addresses were made by Rev. Drs. Tyng and Hitchcock, after which the following resolutions were adopted:

Resolved, That in the opinion of this meeting the project of the Young Men’s Christian Association, to provide for the religious wants of the Volunteers, is worthy of public confidence and cooperation, and that we commend the same to the support of the churches and the community.

Resolved, That Messrs. William E. Dodge, Wilson G. Hunt, Benj. F. Maniere, Benj. W. Bonney, and Alexander W. Bradford, be appointed a committee to receive donations in furtherance of the proposed object, to be expended under the supervision of the army committee of the Young Men’s Christian Association.–N. Y: Commercial, June 7.

–A secession camp at Ellicott’s Mills, in Kentucky, ten miles distant from Cairo, Ill., was dispersed by two companies sent thither by General Prentiss. Colonel Wickliffe protested against the act as an invasion of the soil of Kentucky, to which Gen. Prentiss said, in reply, that the act had been prompted by a letter claiming protection for the Union men there. He declared his intention also to send troops any place needed for the protection of loyal citizens.–National Intelligencer, June 8.

–In the New York Chamber of Commerce it was Resolved, That the Executive Committee of this Chamber, after consultation with and subject to the approval of Col. Anderson, or his second is command, cause to be prepared a suitable medal for each of the soldiers and non-commissioned officers of the late garrison of Fort Sumter, and to have them presented at as early a day as possible, at the expense of this Chamber.

By amendment the resolution was made to include the garrison of Fort Pickens under Lieutenant Slemmer, and the officers of both garrisons.–N. Y. Tribune, June 7.

–Thirty-five of the prisoners captured at Alexandria, took the oath of allegiance with cheerful alacrity, and were discharged.– Washington Star, June 7.

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