The Rebellion Record – A Diary of American Events; by Frank Moore

A Diary of American Events – January 12, 1861

–The Star of the West arrived at New York, having failed to land her troops at Fort Sumter. The Captain reported that unexpected obstacles in the removal of buoys, lights, and ranges, which, though he arrived in the night, compelled him to wait till daybreak outside the harbor, rendered a successful entrance impossible.–(Doc. 21.)

–Senator Seward, in his place in the Senate, spoke upon the present troubles of the country, and avowed his “adherence to the Union, in its integrity and with all its parts; with his friends, with his party, with his State, or without either, as they may determine; in every event, whether of peace or of war; with every consequence of honor or dishonor, of life or death.” He said that “Union is not less the body than liberty is the soul of the nation.” The speech is denounced by both extremes, and is understood by the Southerners to mean “coercion,” while the political friends of the Senator consider it a relinquishment of his principles.–Times, Jan. 18.

Four Barrancas and the navy yard at Pensacola, were seized. The late commandant of the navy yard, in a dispatch to Government, says:

“Armed bodies of Florida and Alabama troops appeared before the gate of the navy yard, and demanded possession. Having no means of resistance, I surrendered and hauled down my flag. They are now in possession.”

A dispatch to the Florida senators announced the same as follows:

“We repaired down here and captured Fort Barrancas and navy yard, and then paroled the officers, granting them permission to continue to occupy their quarters. We are now in possession. This move was in consequence of the Government garrisoning Fort Pickens, which has before remained unoccupied. You will propose to the Administration, resuming the status quo ante bellum and we will immediately evacuate.”

The Pensacola navy yard contains a hundred and fifty-six thousand dollars’ worth of ordnance stores.–Richmond Enquirer, Jan. 14.

–Artillery were ordered to Vicksburg by the Governor early this morning, to hail and question passing boats on the Mississippi river.

A salute of fifteen guns was fired last night at Jackson, on the reception of the news from Alabama and Florida.–Raleigh Standard, Jan. 14.

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