The Ranchero [Corpus Christi, TX], November 3, 1860
O. M. Jackson, who has been had-cuffed and shackled by our Sheriff, to secure him in durance, that he might answer to the charge of the murder of Hegenbottom at Santa Rosa, last June, made good his escape early yesterday morning. Through the assistance of his wife he obtained a file, cut off his irons, and then majestically crawled out of the shed where he was confined. He is yet at large, but many persons are after him.
Here is another instance of the escape of an undoubted criminal, because of there being no county jail. On next Tuesday, each voter will have the right to give his preference, through the ballot box, for tax, or against tax, to build a jail. How are you prepared to vote? If you wish to see the laws enforced, vote for the tax; but if on the contrary, you wish to see the law defeated, you have no right to vote at all.