News of the Day


[Little Rock] Arkansas True Democrat, May 19, 1860

We are indebted to a friend for the following particulars of a terrible catastrophe, which occurred near Camden on Saturday. A pic nic party had gone down to Boykin’s pond, when a large number got in a flatboat on the pond for the purpose of fishing. By some accident the boat was upset, and twenty-seven persons were drowned.

Latest by Telegraph.

The following dispatch was received last night, from the Intendant of Camden, giving more full particulars of the sad catastrophe:

Camden, S. C., May 6

An excursion train went from this place yesterday to Boykin’s Mill, on a fishing excursion. About fifty were out on the pond in a boat, when the boat hit a snag and sunk. The following persons were drowned:

Miss A. A. Alexander, Miss Mary Halson, Miss Lizzie McKagen, Miss Alice Robinson, Miss Saline Crosby, Miss Lou Nettles, Miss Sarah Howell, two Misses McCowns, Mr. L. R. LeGrand, Mr. Wm. LeGrand, Master Willie McKagen, Master B. F. Hocott, Master John Oakes.—All of the above were from Camden.

Two daughters and one son of Mr. Samuel H. Young, and Misses Kelly and Jenkins, and F. A. Richbourg, R. J. Huggins, and Jerry R. McLeod, from the country, besides two negroes. Twelve of the bodies have been buried here to day.

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