May, Sunday 22, 1864
Everything has been in commotion, and anything but a quiet day. Mrs. Perkins is still disagreeable in her Politics—She and Nannie and Emie started down to Col. Perkins, broke down, came back, did not go until this evening—Hal and Mr. Clayton came today, we made our final arrangements for our trip, and will get off one day this week. Mr. Bray came over and made arrangements for Miss Tollison to go with us, she is going to marry Gen. Pat Claiborne—We have had anything but a pleasant say, Mrs. Perkins has been spouting forth her Unionism—everything has gone and we are quiet once more—I wish the day could have been more pleasant for Hal and Mr. Clayton—I wish I did not feel so bitter towards her—Thank God the news is still glorious for us from all quarters—Laura and I will have a pleasant night alone—