March, Thursday 31, 1864
Laura awakened me standing by the bed with my breakfast. I was too sleepy to eat, and only drank my Coffee. I have felt very badly all day, did not do any sewing, lying down most of the day. Mr. Pugh, Jim and Mr. Harbut with Jim’s body guard the Prince of darkness, left for Dixie. Mr. Harbut is to meet the other Scouts a few miles below here, where they will all cross the R. R. together, joining Capt. Henderson somewhere in Tenn—all of troops have crossed Charlston R. R. and I expect we will hear glorious news in the nest few days. Jim & Mr. Pugh are trying to find a way to join Forrest, they had not been gone more than five minutes when four Yankees, belonging to 6th, Ill. Cav. came riding in, asked if we had seen any Confederate Soldiers, of course we said no. I think they came to steal, but we were polite to them, and they left—only wanted some milk, which they got. Tate & Nannie went to town today, Mr. Perryman got them a pass—they got home safe, but saw Anna Nelson and Sallie Hildebrand arrested and carried back with a Negro guard, for smugling a pr of boots—
Forrest is still moveing onward through Ky, having everything his own way. I came to my room early. A terible rainstorm raging—my pets all in. May my heart still be humble, and trust that God will, in his own time, brighten my life and happines—