Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

Diary of Belle Edmondson

September, Tuesday 27, 1864

Oh! how lonely this day has been to me. Mrs. Johnson and Reynolds returned to Waverly on the 7 o’c train. My Hack came soon after, when I left—and I do not think anyone could have spent so lonely a ride as I did, no person except the driver. Mrs. Henderson was very kind indeed to me. I arrived at Pontotoc about 1 o’clock, found Mary alone and delighted to see me. Very stormy and rainy, so I have not accomplished anything and made no preperations for my trip, but will certainly, if providence permits, leave here Thursday morning. I sat up quite late writing to dear Lucy, so that I could send by the boy who drove me up and have mailed at Okolona—

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