Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

God grant our Armies may be victorious.

September, Sunday 4, 1864

Another warm day and much excitement in our family, for sympathy with a neighbor and friend whose only son was wounded at Atlanta, and after four week’s suffering, this morning had his leg amputated, reaction has barely taken place, and very little hopes of his life. Lou is much distressed, and her exclamations of sympathy for poor Billy Burt weigh heavily on my spirits, although I am not acquainted with the young man. Mrs. Hamilton received a note from her husband at West Point, he had seen Eddie and Maj. Crump, said Eddie would be over today, but alas, I was sadly disapointed . No news from home yet—Maj. Cheatham arrived from Atlanta today, seems very hopeful. God grant our Armies may be victorious.

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