Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

“Not well enough to travel.”

August, Monday 15, 1864

Tate, Nannie and Hal, with the rest of their crowd, left for Macon on the 9 o’clock train. I left the Hotel after their departure and went over to Mrs. Long’s to spend the day with Therese. My ear pained me teribly all day, I felt very badly after Tate left, but she promised to Telegraph me if they moved. Col. Young sent for me about two, o’clock. I had a lonely ride, met Duke about half way, he arrived safe with my trunk. Lou met me and I was really happy to be with her again. We all went to bathe as soon as I arrived, Judge Clayton came out, brot me a telegram from Tate telling me to come to Macon immediately, they leave tomorrow for Grenada.

I am almost crazy with my ear, so Col. Young Dispatched “Not well enough to travel.” I am suffering so much, no sleep for me tonight.

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