Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

Gen. Dick Taylor has crossed the Mississippi with a heavy force.

August, Thursday 11, 1864

The cry is still no news from Va. Ga. or Mobile—all still holding their own, but no advance from either side. Gen. Dick Taylor has crossed the Mississippi with a heavy force. Forrest sent a great many Wagons to meet him, two Bateries to protect his march until they can form a junction. The Yanks are still advancing at Oxford, last accounts. Gen. Chalmers fought them at Abbeville, fell back, our forces under Gen. Forrest are at Lafayette Springs. The Yanks are in large numbers, yet we are confident of checking their wicked course before they go much farther. A rumor that Gen. Lee had been sent to Ga. while our President was left in command of Va. A nice game of cards after Tea, Lou and I were teribly beaten.

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