Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

No late news from the Army today—

July, Saturday 30, 1864

Bro. and Eddie were undecided for some time this morning whether or not I should return to Columbus. Eddie at last consented to bring me in. We had a warm, disagreeable ride, found Therese at home and glad to see me. Eddie came round after dinner, and sat with Therese and I some time, poor Eddie, I was so grieved to bid him good-bye, hope to meet him before he leaves for Camp. Lou Young came round to see us, invited us home with her, which I of course did not refuse, Therese also—We had a nice ride out—Dr. Butts came with us—her Bro. Willie at home, we had a game of grab, did not last long. We then went down to the pond, and had a nice bath. I still have a great horror of the water.

No late news from the Army today—none from my friends at Tibby—I am really sad at parting from my Brothers—oh! heaven guide me, and protect me from harm. Lou, Therese and I are room mates tonight—

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