Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

.., brot news of 25th. from Ga. the Yanks were shelling Atlanta, nothing decisive as to the fate of either Army in that State—

July, Tuesday 26, 1864

Ah! sad and lonely days, are these now passing. Eddie went to Columbus this morning, returned this evening, brot news of 25th. from Ga. the Yanks were shelling Atlanta, nothing decisive as to the fate of either Army in that State—Hood gave them a bad thrashing, but from Telegrams since, I fear our Victories cannot be followed up. God grant we may be blessed with glorious news from them in a day or two—nothing important from other points. Tate and her crowd did not leave Columbus until today. Robert was sick yesterday and they could not leave. I heard through Therese from them, they spent last eve at Mrs. Weaver’s. I am so unhappy, I don’t know what to do, whether to go on home, or not,—oh! my heavenly redeemer, guide me, teach my heart forbearance, and for pity lighten my trials.

I finished one of Eddie’s socks today, had a long nap this eve, consequently am not sleepy tonight, recieved letters from Capt. Barber and Shallie Kirk. We all sat up late—oh! heaven have mercy, I am so unhappy.

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