Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

Diary of Belle Edmondson

July, Sunday 24, 1864

We all slept very late this morning, Bro. sent to Columbus for the news, boy did not get back until after dinner, then had no news. A note from Bro. Geo. saying he and his crowd would leave for Libby in the morning—nothing over the wires since we left yesterday evening. A note from Therese, she is anxious I should come in, & make another visit to Waverly. I am as unhappy as mortal can be at the manner in which Hal has treated me. I have no idea where or what will be my movements, I have no idea they will be to satisfy anyone else, but pray God may guide me right, and bless and brighten my sad path—

Mrs. Smith, Sister Amirilla, Bro and myself with the Children have spent the day quite pleasantly, sat up late after Tea. Mrs. Smith and I are still room mates—Sam is improveing very slowly, poor little fellow, he looks dreadfully—

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