Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

Diary of Belle Edmondson

July, Wednesday 20, 1864

Another happy and beautiful morning. Miss Lou gave me some Cotton to knit Eddie a pr of socks. I began them, but did not get much done, most of the time playing Bagammon, Chess, or having some Music, learned Miss L. two pieces, “Brightest Eyes Quick Step,” “Rosebud Waltz,” she was very apt, but I fear her swimming scholar will ever be a drag to the art.

Our days are as happy as can be, her Bro. Lt. Watt Young came today on short leave, he is rather shy of Ladies, therefore we have not seen much of him. All went to the Pond again, Hal was sick, and could not go in. I believe I am a greater coward every time I attempt it. Therese is still gaining confidence, and improving. Mrs. Tom Young and Mrs. King came round to see us after tea, we had a very happy evening. Hal and I did not agree very well—I bet I would finish my sock, she bet I would not, so she put the Gas out. I lit it again and finished my sock.

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