Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

We have the advantage, the enemy in full retreat, but our victory not as yet decidedly great.

July, Saturday 16, 1864

Today Hal, Tate and myself set apart for returning our visits. Capt. Dashiell kindly sent his Rockaway. Therese and Miss Helen Goff came to see us, we started calling just at 11 o’clock—to see Mrs. Forrest first, she had just received a Dispatch from the Gen. he was slightly wounded in the foot. We have the advantage, the enemy in full retreat, but our victory not as yet decidedly great. We returned all calls. Bro. came and spent the evening with us—Nannie and Dashiell came down from Aberdeen. Dashiell’s wound looks very badly and I fear if he is not very prudent, he will be very unfortunate yet. Mr. Pugh and I went out calling this eve, Dashiell, Tate, Nannie, Hal & I went over to see Therese and her Sister after Tea. Oh! such a terible warm night I never experienced. Nannie staid in the room with Tate. Hal & I tried our room for the first time, I am almost sufocated with the heat—

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