Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

Arrived in Tupelo at 1 o’clock, went to Gen. Forrest’s Hd. Qts. every thing was in bustle, and hopeful in the comeing campaign.

July, Friday 8, 1864

We all were at our work early this morning, and would have finished the shirts but had orders to move, Mr. Pugh came for us with two Ambulances and a baggage Wagon. We packed and were off in ten minutes time. Arrived in Tupelo at 1 o’clock, went to Gen. Forrest’s Hd. Qts. every thing was in bustle, and hopeful in the comeing campaign. Met with Gen. Lee,1 who had just arrived on the cars, I am perfectly delighted with him, if I had a heart to lose, I think it would be in danger. God bless both of them, spare time to our Country, and crown them with Victory, in the battle which awaits them. We ate supper with Maj. Rambeaut, it was delightful. We spent a very pleasant evening. Maj. Leverson, Maj. Rambeaut, Mason, Beaumont and many other friends are as kind to us as Bros. We came up to Col. McCarty’s, put the children to bed, our friends spent the evening. Maj. Crump and Eddie came to see us, we bid them all good bye, and will not see them again until after the battle. God grant they may all be spared. The Yanks are at Ripley, moveing down in force. We have no idea where the battle will be fought—

  1. General Stephen D. Lee
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