Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

May the God of Battles defend our cause, protect our Armys from danger & disease, and crown them with glory and success.

July, Monday 4, 1864

Today is the Anniversary of the decleration of our forefather’s independence, one year ago was a sad one for the happiness of our Southern Confederacy,—Vicksburgh surrendered by Pemberton to Grant. Many changes and sad days since that event, but thanks to a just and merciful God our hopes are brighter than at any time since we have been struggling for Independence. May the God of Battles defend our cause, protect our Armys from danger & disease, and crown them with glory and success. Tate, Hal, Mrs. Galloway, Miss Watlington & Mrs. Samples all spent the day at Gen. Forrest’s Hd. Qts. Bettie, Mamie & Rob, of course, along. Maj. Leverson came for us, I do like him so much, he is so kind and attentive. We had a delightful day. Gen. Forrest & Lady very kind. We saw all of our friends, too numerous to name. Maj. Leverson brought us home this eve. Tate went riding on horseback with Bro. Brodie, we heard Ford Rodgers was not expected to live, Hal knows nothing of it, I pray it may be untrue. God bless my dear Father and Brothers. We spend the day in Tupelo again tomorrow—

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