Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

I must cease for to Night, the Bats are so bad.

July, Saturday 2, 1864

We have spent a delightful day, Capt. Barber, Maj. Allen and Lt. Doyle spent the day with us. Robert went to Tupelo with his Papa. Hal’s Bro. Frank was to see us. Mr. Pugh returned from his trip with Nannie, brought Mrs. Galloway and Miss Walington with him, he went on to Tupelo, Bruce went in the Ambulance with him. We had a gay time, Mrs. Galloway is as lively as can be. Mr. Galloway, Maj. Crump and Bro. Geo. came out in the Ambulance this evening from Tupelo—poor Maj. he is quite sad that his honeymoon should so early be blighted, however Man proposes, God disposes. No late war news, nor any from home—the Yanks are moveing slowly through the Country, rather shy of Mr. Forrest and his Company. I wonder when this horrible war will be over, if the scenes now passing will be remembered. I must cease for to Night, the Bats are so bad. Hal, Bettie and I have already had a race with one, and hard to say which is the greatest coward.

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