Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

We heard the sad fate of two of our friends in Henderson’s Scouts, the Yankees hung them near Moscow,—Mr. Bonner and Lt. McConnell.

June, Thursday 30, 1864

Well, we have managed to exist through another terible warm day. Eddie and Jake spent the day with us again, Hal’s Bro. Frank also. Gen. Forrest reviewed the Artilery this morning, we did not get to see them. Capt.—now Maj. Morton, and Lt. Blakemore called to see us. Bruce arrived today from the Army of Tenn. Gen. Johnston, he was slightly wounded and has a thirty days leave. Hal was delighted to see him, and saved a trip to the Army—as he will take Eddie’s things to him. Robert went to Hd. Qts. with his Paper today. Hal and I took extra pains this evening in our dress but had no calls. We heard the sad fate of two of our friends in Henderson’s Scouts, the Yankees hung them near Moscow,—Mr. Bonner and Lt. McConnell. Oh! this horible , horible war—our poor boys are looking for a battle every day, and expect to go in under the black Flag—Oh! heavenly Father we pray and beseech thee to hear our prayers—drive the enemy from our soile and give us peace—

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