Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

No news from home yet, Forrest has changed his plans for the present…,

June, Wednesday 29, 1864

Nannie and Mr. Pugh left for Aberdeen early this morning, Decatur came out, did not stay very long. Eddie and Jake spent the day with us again, the order for them to leave tomorrow has been countermanded, and they are all delighted, their horses are completely broken down since their march from Montivalo. Capt. Barber and Jack Doyle came to see us, we had a nice time. Hal’s Bro. Frank spent the day with us also. Hal & I made a Soldier’s shirt this morning—poor fellows I wish I could always have it in my power to gratify their wishes. It has been a terible warm day, and I have been unhappy, oh! so unhappy, so undecided about my movements. I believe Hal has concluded to stand still until the command is ordered to leave again. No news from home yet, Forrest has changed his plans for the present, of course we know nothing of their movements—

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