Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

Diary of Belle Edmondson

June, Friday 24, 1864

A bright and lovely day, but one of the warmest I ever experienced. We were all up at 8 o’clock breakfast. Hal, Nannie and I roomed together, tried our fortunes, and did not go to bed until day was breaking, did not feel like I had nay sleep at all. Helen was very composed, we went in her room as soon as Maj. Crump went down, we all met in the Parlor after breakfast. Lina, Tobe and Jack all came out, we had a nice time, Hal came home with them—Nannie, Mary, Robert and I came home before dinner, Decatur drove. I had a nap before and after dinner, therefore do not feel very sleepy, but I do think it is the warmest night I ever felt. Bro. Geo. and Tate came home this evening to pack up, prepareatory to leave in the morning. We have a house full tonight. Tate, Bro. Geo. and Rob in the Parlor, Nannie, Mary, Mamie and I in our room. Mary and I made a pallet in the hall for Jim. John, Ebb, and Decatur are enjoying it, from the way they are laughing and talking. Helen & Maj. Crump did not come over this evening, are going over to Oxford in the morning—poor Nannie is trying to fix her toe—the rest asleep. I am almost sufocated—

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