Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson


June, Thursday 23, 1864

A bright and beautiful day for Helen’s bridal. The boys all left soon after breakfast. Hal came over with Decatur, went home to fix up her things to go to Aunt Mary’s. Nan and Helen went over before dinner, Mary, Hal, myself and Andrew and Willie went after dinner, Ebb driveing us, found all in readiness for the important event. Guests arrived late, we had a happy time in prepereing. Hal & Jim leading, Capt. Morton & I next, Mary & Capt. Scruggs, the last shall be first, so came Nannie & Lt. Crump, then the bride and Groom. All in readiness, the Minister proceeded, and in a few moments Helen, my baby Sister, was changed to the care of one whom I pray may make her life happy. My dear, my sainted Mother, we are now seperated , long has the link of affection which you strove to bind together been fading. I was forcibly reminded of it in her marriage, by her preference for Nannie as first bridesmaid. Oh! God bless and guide my poor bruised, weary heart, farewell Helen. I still had hope in our Mother’s guidance until your test tonight. Annie Gordon and Willie Killpatrick added a heavenly picture to the bridal train in their part, Candle holders—Once more oh! God have mercy on me—oh! have mercy on me.

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