Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

Diary of Belle Edmondson

June, Wednesday 22, 1864

I came home as soon as I ate my breakfast. Lt. McC. came by to see Helen—we found Ebb Titus and Maj. Crump, the latter arrived last night, so we will have Helen’s affair over tomorrow. Ebb went over to Aunt Mary’s for Tate, they all arrived double quick, had arrangements all made up with Maj. C. Mary and I drove out to Aunt M. in the Ambulance, they were very buisy making preperations for the happy event. I finished my Grenadine this eve. Tate and her crowd returned to Aunt M. Maj. C. and his Bro. Lt. C. called this eve. Maj. staid to Tea. Jim and Decatur arrived from Tupelo. No news from Eddie yet, and I fear he will not hear in time to come—they all sat up so late, I retired, but Nannie with her loud talking awakened me. No news from the Army, but received a letter from home, all well, dated 10th, the Yanks to breakfast for three mornings.

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