Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

Diary of Belle Edmondson

June, Saturday 18, 1864

Rather an eventful and pleasant day, we made preperations early for a visit to Mrs. Duke, but Bro. George is always slow, and did not go for the Ambulance until late. We were all very much surprised to see Lt. McConnell drive in it when it did arrive, we were delighted to see him, he drove us to where the prisoners were he was gaurding , at the barber’s shop. Bro. George then took his seat. Mr. Wilson was with him, we were delighted to see him, had on his new Uniform, they did look so nice. Two detectives were the prisoners, one I have seen up on the lines, they all stoped at Mrs. Duke’s on the way out, to Tupelo. Lt. McConnell, Mr. Wilson and Capt. Wimberly came in, did not stay long, John arrived from Tupelo, news Dashiell Perkins wounded, killed the Yankees who shot him, and saved his colors. John Harris & Joe Park killed, how sad—Capt. Henderson wounded. Tate, Bro. Geo. Nannie, Bettie and the children all went out to Aunt Mary Gordon’s this eve. Hal, Capt. Duke and Miss Miller were to see us.

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