Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

Diary of Belle Edmondson

June, Friday 3, 1864

Laura awakened me this morning at daylight. Mr. Wilson came to breakfast—had no later news than yesterday. We have everything to be thankful for, our Armys have, by the grace of God, been victorious so far. Mr. W. did not stay long after breakfast, will return tomorrow—

Joanna went over Nonconnah today. Hal has not been able to get a horse yet, but expects to be along tomorrow. I hope she may, for Father is so anxious for us to get off, did not hear any news from that direction. This has indeed been a gloomy day—cloudy and raining all day—Father spent the day in his big chair reading “Small house at Allington.” Aunt Patsy, Sister Mary & I spent the day in Tate’s room—I have almost finished my white swiss body. Sallie and Frank have been caged today, and right noisy. I wrote a letter for Marguerite after tea to her Mother in Holly Springs—the rest all in the Parlor. Laura and I alone except Tippe Dora who is nodding. I expect this is the last quiet night we will have for some time to come.

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