Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes


CINCINNATI, December 17, 1858.

DEAR UNCLE: – I had heard from Mother of your illness, and am glad you are getting well. The weather is now fine and I hope we shall see you next week. As to our boys, I agree that it is very desirable to bring them up in the country as much as possible. They are however very strong and healthy. Birtie has gained wonderfully. He now looks as if he might grow up large and heavy.

The duties of my new office are all in the line of my profession. The suits of the city, advice to all its officers in legal matters, etc., etc., occupy my attention. The litigation of a city like this is very important and of great variety. My assistant will attend to the less important matters, leaving me free to devote to the leading cases all my time. The amount of business is not large – at least not too large; not so perplexing, I think, as my old place. – Let us see you soon.




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