Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes


CINCINNATI, December 9, 1858.

DEAR UNCLE:–I am in my new office (City Solicitor’s office) and, seeing I was elected only last night, begin to feel much at home. The berth is a good one. Salary three thousand five hundred dollars per year and duties agreeable. I am well spoken of by all the papers. The Commercial of Wednesday and Thursday I suppose you saw. All the Americans, all the Republicans, and one Democrat voted for me. No one of our side could get in without that Democratic vote. It was pleasant all around except that our old friend Caleb [B.] Smith had to be disappointed. But as I behaved liberally in the premises, no blame for that attaches to me. This is much better than the judgeship. Besides, I discovered that the judge appointed by the Governor only gets fifteen hundred dollars. My present office is to be filled in four or five months by the people.

Boys and Lucy all well. We hope to see you soon.




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