Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes


CINCINNATI, October 4, 1858.

DEAR LUCY:–This is my birthday. The only unusual celebration will be an address to the good people of Walnut Hills tonight. We are having a most prodigious political excitement. The like has not been seen within the memory of the oldest inhabitant. Meetings, torchlight processions, cannonading, bonfires, singing, and illuminations every night, “Sundays excepted.” Do you want to see any of these sights? Corwin, the Governor, will speak Thursday night and on Saturday night the greatest torchlight procession of the canvass will take place. On Monday night next there will be another by the Democrats. If you want to see the Saturday night affair, I will try to come up about Friday and bring you down on Saturday afternoon. Write at once if you would like it. Possibly you would rather be away.                                                   Lovingly,



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