Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes

Diary and Letters

Rutherford B. Hayes (young)

November 6, 1860.—Election day. Had a birthday feast in honor of Birch’s 7th birthday (Sunday 4th) today. Aunty and Uncle Warren both present. Boys delighted with their presents.

The Southern States are uneasy at the prospect of Lincoln’s election today. The ultra South threatens disunion, and it now looks as if South Carolina and possibly two or three others would go out of the Union. Will they? And if so, what is to be the result? Will other slave States gradually be drawn after them, or will the influence of the conservative States draw back into the Union or hold in the Union the ultra States? I think the latter. But at all events, I feel as if the time had come to test this question. If the threats are meant, then it is time the Union was dissolved or the traitors crushed out. I hope Lincoln goes in. All now depends on New York. The October elections settled Pennsylvania and the other doubtful States.

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