War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.


22nd. Monday. Breakfast at a house near camp. Went over and saw Lt. Cole, a division Q. M. Went to the Ferry, drew forage for animals. 2nd Ohio was on picket last night, deployed as skirmishers, 2 miles west of Charlestown. At daylight attacked by the rebels. Capt. Denning, the brave man, and Henry Drake, [...]

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.


21st. Sunday. Pickets driven in early. 2nd sent to support the 3rd N. J. Suffered some. Train ordered back one mile. Went back. Found rebels in possession of Charlestown road, one mile further. Sent out a picket from an escort with ambulance train, and made a little reconnoissance, discovering a small rebel force. Soon two [...]

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.


17th. We moved out at daylight. Passed White Post and turned towards Winchester, which we reached about noon. Train passed through and camped on Berryville road. Major Seward reported to escort the train. Moved at 5 P. M. 1st Cav. Div. and 3rd and one brigade of infantry in line south of town. Skirmishing till [...]

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.


16th. Tuesday. Marched at daylight. Passed through Berryville, where Moseby burned 40 wagons for the 19th Corps a few days since. Div. Q. M. Cole went to Harper’s Ferry with empty wagons for supplies, leaving the Div. train, etc., under my charge. Moved on the road to Front Royal. Camped about midnight.

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.


15th. Monday. Brigade commenced pulling out before daylight. 1st Brigade in rear. Passed through Leesburg about 3 P. M. Once a very wealthy little town apparently, now old and rusty. Very noted for rebel sympathy. Saw several pretty ladies. Camped near Purcellville. In P. M. near Leesburg one wagon got behind and two rebels jumped [...]

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.


5th. Friday. Brigade marched at sunrise. Relieved by 2nd Div. Reached City Point before noon. 18th P. V. embarked for Washington. 2nd Ohio went to Landing. On board and anchored off the Point. Took a bath before leaving wharf. While hastily looking for Col. P. for detail to load oats, I accidentally walked off into [...]

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.


3rd. Received papers of 1st claiming a grand victory here– all bosh–sorry. Some one is much at fault that the grand plan of July 30, 1864, failed. Grant seems to have used the best strategy and skill. Who is at fault will soon be determined. Visited the picket line. Saw the Johnnies. Many amusing incidents [...]

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.


31st. Sunday. Relieved from picket and marched to Brigade Hdqrs. Camped in woods. Fixed a bower. A very hot day, yesterday too. Report that the portion of the enemy’s works occupied after mine explosion was abandoned today by order of Gen Grant. Received letters from Mr. Brown and my good Sarah Felton, also notes from [...]

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.


30th. Got a sightly position in front of the 18th Corps where all points of interest were in view. Lay till sunrise upon one of the leveled forts. a cannon ball visiting the vicinity frequently. Just at sunrise a cloud of dust and dirt rising suddenly into the air, followed by a distant rumble, gave [...]

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.