17th. Saturday. Got officers to sign papers. Forges get back loaded.
War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.
September 17, 2024 0 comments
17th. Saturday. Got officers to sign papers. Forges get back loaded.
16th. Remained in camp. Read and wrote.
15th. Thursday. Returned to Berryville. Rode rapidly without company most of the way.
14th. Wednesday. Regt. was on picket near Berryville. Went to Harper’s Ferry with forges.
13th. Beautiful, clear morning. Brigade on a scout. Took in a S. Carolina regt. The 2nd Ohio charged them (Infantry) driving them into a little piece of woods and surrounding them. Whole line of battle in sight. The Col. and 145 men surrendered, our loss slight. In good spirits.
12th. Monday. Regt. went out on a scout to Millwood. Remained in camp. Read some and worked. Considerable rain for two or three days. Cold nights.
11th. Sunday. Spent the day quietly in camp. Read papers and “Lady of the Lake.”
10th. Saturday. Busy over monthly papers. Letter from home. Fixed up my commissary returns.[1] [1] ‘In my possession are a large number of these duplicate packages of “Monthly Returns of Quartermasters Stores,” “Monthly Returns of Clothing, Camp and Garrison Equipage, Abstracts, Vouchers,” etc., etc., all carefully assorted and securely fastened. (F. D. T.) The following [...]
8th. Thursday. Rainy and cool. Lay still all day. Read “Charles Vivasseur.” Wagons came up, oats and rations. Wrote home and to Mrs. Wood.
7th. Wednesday. Division moved out at 4:30. Our regiment in rear, reconnoissance. Went within two miles of Winchester, found the enemy and returned–sharp firing. In camp at dark.
6th. Tuesday. Relieved at dark. Spent the day getting papers signed. Letter from home. Oats and rations. Not in camp till after dark. Pleasant place.
5th. Monday. Moved back to B. last night. Rained. Drivers and dead-beats got scared and pulled out very quickly before we moved. In line on left of infantry. Skirmishing soon after daylight. News of fall of Atlanta. All jubilant. Lay in camp till P. M. then went on picket. Rainy and very unpleasant. Boys suffered. [...]
4th. Sunday. Moved back by road. Rebs at Berryville and in our rear. 2nd Ohio train guard. Custer’s brigade suffered some. Train moved to Rippon. Parked.
3rd. Saturday. Soon after daylight moved out. Passed through Millwood and White Post, two miles, and returned to M. and camped. Rained. Moseby has gathered up quite a number of our men within a few days.
2nd. Friday. At daylight fell back. Left the main road. Passed through Kabletown and reached the fortified position 3 miles from C. On picket two miles toward B. Nicely settled down, when ordered to march. Reached B. about midnight. 5th N. Y. had skirmish with pickets.
1st. Lay in camp all day. In evening relieved 3rd Jersey on picket. Busy most all night drawing oats.
31st. At daylight went on a reconnoissance towards Winchester. Found rebs and drove them to their main body on the Opequon. No one hurt. Very spirited little affair.
30th. Marched at 12:30. Received letter from Mrs. T. Wood. Camped at Berryville.
29th. Up early but did not march. Considerable firing in direction of Smithfield. No reports. Good news in papers.
28th. Sunday. Reveille at 2 A. M. Breakfasted and were on the road at daylight. Our Brig. in advance. Passed through S. Rebels in retreat. Overtook the infantry on Jamestown road. Camped at C.
27th. Rained last night. Thunder heavy. Moved through Sharpsburg and over the Antietam battle ground. Turned towards Williamsport and camped three miles from Sharpsburg.
26th. Moved out at daylight. Overtook the command before it reached Boonsboro. Called on Bayard and Babcock. Was up on Maryland Heights day before yesterday. Camped at Boonsboro.
25th. Intended to join the regiment, but heard that it had gone out early on a reconnoissance. Eggleston remained with me. Maj. N. came up after dark tired out. Train pulled out in night and Div. crossed the river.
24th. Wednesday. A beautiful day, a little hazy. Forage issued. Boys sent to Frederick to look up brigade train. Fears of its capture. Train arrived. Boys came down to shoe horses.
23rd. Tuesday. Lu went back to the regt. Remained with the brigade all night. Returned to train in time for breakfast. Moved train over to Cole’s. Went with Bob to barbershop. Sent Barber to his company yesterday. Ficklin has taken his place and is doing splendidly. War news seems favorable. Reports that the enemy are [...]