11th. Rainy and unpleasant in the morning. Cleared up rather cold in the afternoon. Fannie, Libbie, and Fannie Hudson came to camp. So surprised, but glad.
11th. Rainy and unpleasant in the morning. Cleared up rather cold in the afternoon. Fannie, Libbie, and Fannie Hudson came to camp. So surprised, but glad.
10th. Played chess with Miss Hamlin, and visited with the other girls. Wrote to Fannie.
9th. My mother’s birthday. The Wellington Three Hundred came to camp. Somewhat indisposed. Had a good time though.
1st. My birthday (twenty)–what a contrast between this one and that of the year before. Spent the day about as usual.
30th. Thede returned in the morning. I felt rather ill from a hard cold.
29th. Went over to see Thede. Attended Mr. White’s church –Thede the Cathedral. Took tea at Byron’s. Heard Mr. Van Meter again in the evening.
28th. Went down and tried some horses. Took one that John Devlin chose for me. I stayed in camp. Thede at Uncle’s.
26th. Fast day. In the morning Thede and I had our pictures taken for Aunt Rhodilla and one of Thede alone for Lizzie Cobb. Went to camp. Worked in the Quartermaster’s barracks. Services at two. Aunt and Uncle were over.
25th. In the morning went over to camp. Commenced work. Thede went over to Uncle’s after dinner. Went to tea. Called on Lizzie Cobb. Had a fine time.
24th. Thede came. He went to the circus. I watched for horses. In the evening went in and saw them play billiards. Stayed at Uncle’s.
23rd. Stayed in camp during the day, went out with noncommissioned officers. Stayed over night in camp. Had quite a visit with Sergeant Townsend–good fellow.
22nd. In the morning Lt. Nettleton and I went over to the Cathedral. In the afternoon visited at Uncle’s. Returned to camp and found thousands of visitors. Such a Sunday. Prayer meeting in the evening.
21st. Commenced to learn my duties. Drilled with the noncommissioned officers by the Adjutant.
Friday, 20th. Received appointment of Com.-Sergt.
Thursday, 19th. Drilled during the day. Received bundle from home through Delos (Haynes), also a line.
Wednesday, 18th. Arose at the firing of the cannon. After the morning drill started for town and met Uncle. (Albert Harris.) Returned and was introduced to Colonel (Chas. W. Doubleday), Major Miner and the Quartermaster. (Lt. Abbey.)
Tuesday, 17th. Went through with the regular routine of camp life until five. Went over to Uncle’s and took tea. Wrote home and to Fannie Andrews.
Monday, 16th. Bid all the dear friends at home good-bye, and left Oberlin for the camp. (Camp Wade, Cleveland, Ohio.) Accompanied Lizzie Cobb home, and called on Helen Cobb. Took tea at Lizzie’s with Charlie Fairchild. Commenced camp life.
Sept. 9th. Enlisted. At home till Sept. 14th. Splendid time.