23rd. Brownell and Brooks left on furlough, so I had double duties.
23rd. Brownell and Brooks left on furlough, so I had double duties.
21st. Visited Uncle Washington’s boat “The Rawson.” Heard Gough lecture.
18th. Monday. Theodore, Roxena and mother came to camp in the afternoon.
17th. Sunday. Stayed at Uncle’s in the morning. Theodore rode my horse to Uncle Jones’. Stayed over night.
16th. Theodore surprised me in the morning. Took a ride to Woodland Cemetery. Lizzie and Nettie came to camp. Heard Slade, Riddle and several others in the evening.
15th. A cold rainy day. Some snow towards night. Spent the evening at the tent. Played checkers and read. Boys played euchre.
14th. Returned from Uncle’s. Letter from Fannie. Mrs. Helen Cobb, her mother-in-law and sister, Cousin Byron Harris and Miss Chidgey were in camp. Good visit.
13th. By permission of the Colonel went to Uncle Jones’, took my fatigue coat. Supper at Uncle Albert’s–a pleasant visit.
10th. Sunday. Remained in camp. Chaplain preached a good sermon on morals. Read the Atlantic Monthly and Harper’s.
8th. At Charlie Abbey’s candy-pull in the evening.
7th. Went home with Nettie Chidgey and Lizzie Cobb. Went to hear the Minstrels–disgusted.
6th. Attended concert at Academy of Music by invitation from Nell. She sang well. Nettleton there.
Nov. 5th. Rode to Uncle Jones’ with Roxena and Watson.
Nov. 4th. Rainy and unpleasant. Stayed in camp, rather dull, wrote home.
From Oct. 25th ‘to Nov. 3rd stayed in camp; got our horses; duties occupied most of my time–rode some–horse almost sick.
24th. Rather strange life–smoking and such talk!
23rd. Changed my quarters for noncommissioned staff–was sorry.
21st. Moved after a picked up breakfast to the fair grounds.
20th. Boys prepared Camp Taylor for our reception.
17th. Phoebe Haynes was in camp. Sang.
16th. A letter by the kindness of Mrs. Haynes. Stood guard for Delos a little while.
15th. Called to see Fannie in the morning. Saw her to Oberlin cars in the afternoon.
14th. Went to town with Will. (Bushnell.) Saw Fannie in the evening.
Sunday. Took Fannie over to Helen’s. Returned to camp to hear the Chaplain. Fannie and Mrs. Cobb came over too late for the preaching.
12th. The girls (Minnie and Lissa) came out. Met them at Uncle’s. Found Fannie and the other girls at the camp. Attended a picnic, Company I, in the afternoon. Went to Aunt Jones’, Fannie too. Spent the evening, good time. Col. Ratliffe.