14th. Prin. Fairchild returned home. Stayed with John Devlin over night. Cooked rations and packed up.
14th. Prin. Fairchild returned home. Stayed with John Devlin over night. Cooked rations and packed up.
13th. Principal Fairchild came down. Letters from home and Fannie. Also a book from her–”Sermons on the New Life.”
12th. Sunday. No services. Read and wrote.
10th. Visited some with Mr. Haynes. He and Delos went to Cincinnati.
9th. Mr. Haynes came to camp, brought a letter to me. Went over and ate some doughnuts. Gay time in the evening.
8th. Men sent to Columbus to help in making out pay-rolls.
7th. Paymaster telegraphed to, and preparations for leaving Camp Denison.
6th. Word came that we should go under Jim Lane. (Senator Lane of Kansas.)
5th. A blustering, cold day. Delivered wood in the morning, then kept in the house quite closely.
4th. Answered Fannie’s letter. Received a package from home–letter, pocketbook, etc.
3rd. Received a letter from Fannie. Was busy with wood until dark.
2nd. Wrote some and read in “Shirley.”
Jan. 1st. Wrote, rode and read some. In the morning went over to Company I’s quarters. Wrote to Ella Clark. Made some resolutions for the future.
Through the remainder of the month nothing of special interest occurred. The same daily routine of business. Through order of Quartermaster Thayer, the quartermaster and commissary sergeants formed a mess by themselves. Christmas lost my pocketbook containing upwards of five dollars.
4th. Was obliged to work hard in the commissary.
3rd. Reached Camp Denison where were encamped 8,000 troops.
2nd. Wrote and sent a package to Fannie. Bid the friends good-bye and left for Camp Denison. A noisy time–boys drunk– slept in caboose.
Dec. 1st. Sunday. Spent in camp and at Uncle’s. Was paid off.
30th. Made several calls with Fannie–enjoyed them so much. Returned to Cleveland with Ma and Theodore.
29th. At Prof. Morgan’s to a tea party–a nice visit. Made several calls. Called at Fannie’s.
28th. C. G. and D. R. returned to camp. Visited, called at Fannie’s. Splendid time. Attended a small charade party at Mrs. Holtslander’s. Thanksgiving meetings.
27th. Went home on the freight. Surprised the folks. In the evening attended a party at Delos’. Had a grand time–all the young people there.
26th. Made arrangements to go home but couldn’t.
25th. Was kept very busy all day with wood.
24th. Sunday. Stayed in camp. D. R. H. and C. G. F. went up town. Read some and wrote home.