26th. Wednesday. In camp. Regt. not picket. Cloudy. Paymaster came.
26th. Wednesday. In camp. Regt. not picket. Cloudy. Paymaster came.
25th. Tuesday. Teams came up. Seems good. Hurrying up Q. M. papers. Letter from Ella Clark.
24th. Monday. Rode to several Hdqrs. with Adj. Pike. Watson and Pearson mustered out. Read papers and letter from home.
23rd. Sunday. Rode to Army Hdqrs. and to fortifications. Artillery parked near Hdqrs. Read Independents. Splendid sermon by Rev. R. W. Hitchcock. “Blessed be the Lord who teacheth my hands to war and my fingers to fight.”
22nd. Saturday. The Major started for home on leave of absence. Wrote a line and sent my money, $750.
21st. Friday. Moved camp. Wrote a line home. Beautiful day. Letter from home yesterday. Regt. went on picket.
20th. Thursday. Pursued on back road 15 miles, picking up some prisoners. The victory complete. All worship Sheridan who turned a complete rout into the most complete victory of the war. Rebs panic stricken, not even forming at Fisher’s Hill. Our loss in killed and wounded heavy. Gen. Ramseur mortally wounded. At our old camp.
19th. Wednesday. Firing again on picket. Turned out. At daylight heavy firing commenced on left with infantry. At 8 A. M. learned the infantry had fallen back in confusion, losing 24 pieces of artillery. 8th and 19th corps broken. 6th corps firm and in line. Cavalry went into position immediately and gave infantry time to [...]
18th. Tuesday. All quiet. 2nd Ohio returned.
17th. Monday. In the morning rebs attacked pickets. Captured Maj. Morey. 20 men.
16th. Sunday. Returned to regt. Ordered to escort Sheridan to Piedmont. Remained in camp. Read some.
15th. Saturday. Moved out to Brigade Hdqrs. in evening. 2nd Ohio on picket.
14th. Friday. Rebels made a reconnoissance along our whole line.
13th. Thursday. Lay in camp all day. Forage.
12th. Wednesday. In camp all day.
11th. Tuesday. In camp till 4 P. M. Moved to position on Cedar Creek, passing Fisher’s Hill, via Pike and Strasburg. Camped near Middletown.
10th. Monday. Lay in camp at Tom’s Brook. Letter from Minnie. Wrote home. Captured property sent to Strasburg.
9th. Sunday. Ma’s birthday. God bless her and grant her many years to live. 55. Packs and train ordered back. Moved back to fight rebs. Found them at Tom’s Brook hill. 5th N. Y. in advance. 3rd N. J. support. Line soon formed and advance sounded, then charged. Went in with 2nd Ohio. Completely routed [...]
8th. Saturday. Moved on at 6 A. M. 1st Brigade in rear. Rebs charged. 18th P. V., 2nd N. Y. charged back. Then Brigade formed for the regt. to come in. 18th lost some men, 15.
7th. Friday. Daylight advanced the line of pickets. Saw reb. Division massed, 2nd Brigade in rear. Attacked and broken in the P. M. 1st Brigade checked the rebs, lost some forges and sheep and cattle. Col. Pennington took command today. Camped at Columbia Furnace.
6th. Moved back, burning every barn and stack on road. Followed closely. Camped near Brock’s Gap. 5th N. Y. and 18th P. V. driven back. Considerable uneasiness during night.
4th and 5th. Paymaster paid off 1st Conn. Drew 8 months’ pay. Lt. Meigs of Sheridan’s staff killed by guerrillas.
3rd. Saddled at 4 A. M. No demonstration.
2nd. Sunday. Changed camp. Not unsaddled before enemy came up and charged pickets through town. 2nd N. Y. and 18th P. V. charged back, driving rebs over abutments into the river. Moved back near Dayton.
1st. Saturday. My birthday. Would I could see Ma and sisters. God bless them. Gen. W. relieved by Gen. Custer. Gen. W. ordered to Gen. Sherman, Chief of cavalry.