28th. Moved camp upon a hill near by. Awfully muddy. Made a large fire.
War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.
December 28, 2024 0 comments
28th. Moved camp upon a hill near by. Awfully muddy. Made a large fire.
27th. Relieved from picket and ordered to appear as witness in case of U. S. versus Seth Combs for desertion. Did what I could for him.
26th. Monday. News of the fall of Savannah. Monthly inspection. Detailed for picket.
25th. Sunday. A rather unpleasant day. Spent Christmas quietly. Ate dinner with Capt. Chester. Oysters. Wrote home.
24th. Saturday. In the morning helped Hillhouse fix up his ordnance papers. P. M. whiskey issued. Boys pretty jolly.
23rd. Friday. Application made to send Sergt. Laundon and myself to Ohio. Have enjoyed looking over the papers. Everything looks very bright indeed. The new call and the late successes are glorious.
22nd. Marched at 5:30. The most uncomfortable day I ever passed. 45 2nd Ohio men with frozen feet. Much suffering throughout the division. Wind blew the snow right through us. Camped in rear of old infantry line, in awful place, with no wood. Boys went for fences about Hdqrs. Col. Pennington threatened to shoot some [...]
22nd. Up at 4. Rain froze as it fell. Awfully cold. At 5:30 “To horse” sounded. Soon a yell went up near the 2nd Brig., then a few shots. We were ordered to mount immediately–did it. A line could be seen on a distant hill. A few men came up within a few rods of [...]
21st. Wednesday. Orders regarding success of Sherman and Thomas, read to us near Mt. Jackson. Camped 8 miles south of Newmarket. Rained.
20th. Up at four. An early breakfast. 3rd Div. started up the valley, while 1st and 2nd went in another direction with 10 days’ rations. Camped at Woodstock.
19th. Wrote home. Orders to march in the morning at 6:30 A. M.
18th. Sunday. A good letter from Prof. Peck. A beautiful picture of Melissa and the darling baby (Carrie Nettleton Thurber). Letter from home. Wrote to the Prof. From his letter to Prof. Peck. Everybody in the 2nd Ohio is familiar with the name and services of Prof. Peck, of Oberlin, the man who has always [...]
17th. Saturday. More good news from Thomas. Brigade officer of the day. Rode over to infantry. Received a beautiful pair of shoulder straps as Christmas gift–with a note from A. B.
16th. Got news of Thomas’ attack on Hood’s flank. Great rejoicing in infantry.
15th. Got horses shod. Cloudy. Saw F. again in my dreams. I wish I could be rid of this thought about such things. Could never live at home. Am better off here than I would be there.
14th. Went twice to mustering officer without success. Finished “Dante” and “Dream Life” by Ike Marvel. Beautiful pictures of life, beautiful because so real. Good lessons. Had good visits with Easton and McBride. Clear.
13th. Notice of appointment from Adj. Gen’l of Ohio as captain came. Went over to muster. No success. Several promotions.
12th. Monday. Wrote letter for Fecklin and several in answer to letters for Co. “C” people. Awfully cold.
11th. Sunday. Snowed all last night. 6 inches of snow this morning. Wrote to Fred, C. G., Ella and home.
1st. Thursday. 2nd Ohio in rear. Kept along down North river. Passed through “Hanging Rock” Gap. Scenery grand. Camped at Capron Bridge in Lost River valley, 18 miles below Wardensville. On picket. Easy post.
10th. Saturday. Cold day. No drill. Boys on picket.
9th. Friday. In camp. Wrote to cousin Sarah in answer to letter received today. Drilled 3rd Batt. in rear formation.
8th. Thursday. Relieved in good season.
7th. Wednesday. On picket. Put up with Co. B. Charge of 3rd Batt. Pleasant time. Cold night. Excellent letters from Ella and Will. Heard reports of promotion.
6th. Tuesday. In camp. Bill Smith officer of the day.