Thursday, 4th. Read some in “Othello.” Enjoyed some parts much. News came that Jackson had been taken with 20,000 men. Proved a lie. Tried to write a decently neat letter to Ella Clark, didn’t succeed very well. Didn’t finish in time for the evening mail. A good letter came from Fannie–a little behind time. Enjoyed [...]
Wednesday, 3rd. Spent the morning visiting with various boys about the prospects of going home. Boys all in high spirits. Talk of paying Burnett $5 to help us get out. Blunt gone to Leavenworth. When he returns, he will try to get the order made. Wrote quite a lengthy letter to Fred Allen–strange boy. This [...]
Tuesday, 2nd. Slept till rather late–up in time for Sandy’s breakfast. During the day wrote to Fannie Andrews. Delos called in the morning and I read Ella’s letter to him. Commented upon it. In the evening Charlie came up and I again reviewed Ella’s letter with him. Read some in Shakespeare and the latest papers. [...]
Monday, 1st. Reveille in the morning at 3 A. M. Breakfasted and started in the advance. Crossed Drywood and grazed. Got into camp in time for dinner. Sandy cooking, and several officers boarding with the Major. Found a letter from Ella Clark, very welcome. I have a high regard for her. Boys fully convinced that [...]
Sunday, 31st. Word came early to march. Sergt. Co. K and I went out a mile and got breakfast. Three sons in the rebel army. Two good horses, but papers from Gen. Salomon guarded them. Sergeant had got them to cook a few chickens, on which we lunched. At first in the rear, then hurried [...]
Saturday, 30th. In the morning was on picket in the town. Roasted corn for breakfast. Ate and slept on a porch to a jayhawked store. Slept soundly. Went to the tannery and had a good wash. Got some peaches. Went out about noon and joined the main command, two miles out. Went out a mile [...]
Friday, 29th. Morning passed as usual in reading the late papers and loafing. Washed dishes. No encouraging news. Several commissions came over–some very just and deserved ones. In the afternoon came a detail of all well mounted men to go on an expedition into Mo. Archie and I went. 50 men in all under Capt. [...]
Thursday, 28th. In the morning came the detail for the 2nd Kansas Battery. Heretofore officers had said that such a detail should not be made. But the order came to the Colonel for 150 men and the Colonel gave orders to Batt. commanders for the detail and they to their companies. The detail was made [...]
Wednesday, 27th. In the morning did very little. Read some. In the afternoon Delos and I went down to see Charlie. He was about going to water his horses. Stayed a short time and read a Lorain Netvs. Nothing particular. Saw a corpse, a Co. A. man. Went in and saw several sick men. Two [...]
Tuesday, 26th. In the morning read some. Finished a letter to Sarah Felton. She is a splendid girl. I wish she would be content to stop study for a year like Fannie A. and Fannie H. In the afternoon issued five days’ rations. Had a very pleasant time talking with the boys. Mail came in [...]
25th. Monday. Went over to Capt. Nettleton’s tent and borrowed Longfellow’s “Hyperion.” Charlie came over in the morning and read Will’s last journal and my letter from Fred. Enjoyed both and a first-rate visit about home and “B. F.” and other friends. Like Fred’s course. Read in “Hyperion.” Enjoyed it pretty well. In the evening [...]
24th. Sunday. In the morning found my old contraband missing. Didn’t think it worth while to look for it. Cleaned up and prepared for inspection. Archie and Reeve laid out a bed of state pistols, sabres and spurs. Wrote to Melissa and Ma and some more to Fannie. Read some in an old Independent. In [...]
23rd. In the morning did chores and read the papers. In the afternoon went into Adj. Watson’s tent. He treated to strawberries. Reeve and Major Miner were in when some one asked about our being mustered out of service. He said he thought we would not be, and then he asked why we wanted to [...]
22nd. Friday. Slept rather late. F. Brooks back, looking very sleek. Went to the river and washed myself thoroughly. Changed my clothes and rested as well as possible. The command came in. Boys seem hardy, though the trip has been tough. All the boys are exasperated that they did not catch the enemy. News that [...]
21st. Thursday. Went with two Company F men and got breakfast at a farmhouse. Some of the boys had had nothing to eat for 36 hours. Ham and corn bread. Borrowed 20 cents and paid. They asked nothing but we preferred to pay them. Major Burnett, with detail of five started for Fort Scott. Several [...]
19th. Tuesday. Breakfasted at Johnstown. As usual boys went for chickens, corn and anything to eat. People have felt our march through their country. Report came that the enemy were at Osceola, 30 miles southeast. Continued our march Osceolaward. Stopped two or three miles from Johnstown and fed mules and ourselves–three hours. Moved on. Report [...]
18th. Monday. After the moon rose, so that the teams could pick their way, we started on. Moved back on the same road we went up. Col. Cloud and Warren’s forces took another route and went faster than we. Passed through “Index” and “Rose Hill” and stopped after passing the big mill. Awful place for [...]
17th. Sunday. Breakfasted and under way at 5 A. M. Passed through Rose Hill, a very pretty little town. Hugh Watson and I went ahead and got apples, watermelons, plums and wild grapes. Had a good time. Passed through “Index,” another little town. Major rode with us in the wagon all day, good time. Reached [...]
16th. Saturday. Kept up our march till morning at nine. Crossed the Osage. At nine A. M. stopped to feed and breakfast. Marched on through Johnstown. All the day the boys made for every melon patch, orchard or beehive to be seen. Had a good eat from melons and apples. Saw very few people. Encamped [...]
15th. Stopped a little while in the morning to feed the horses. Moved on and passed through “Ball Town.” Stopped to get some breakfast. Received a letter from home. The prairie took fire several times and kept the boys busy fighting it. Colonel, Capt. Smith, Majors Miner and Purington rested under a tent fly we [...]
14th. Thursday. Put some stripes on my pants, and gave my poor wardrobe a good looking over and repairing. Should not like playing old bachelor for life–not any. Like company and society too well. In the afternoon orders came for the 2nd Ohio to be ready to march at 8 P. M. with 5 days’ [...]
13th. Wednesday. Did very little in the morning. In the afternoon Lt. Carter was buried. Capt. Nettleton rode up to our tent and told me he would like to see me a minute. I went aside and he said he was going home. I asked him if he were going home for good. He said [...]
12th. Tuesday. In the morning molasses was issued to the boys. Wrote a letter home. One boy from Co. G was buried. Wrote to Fannie and Uncle. Lt. Carter died. It must be a sad affliction for his poor mother who esteemed him her pet. Sergt. Daniels was wounded in the thigh by accident. Gen. [...]
11th. Monday. Read some in the June Atlantic. Nothing especially interesting. After dinner went down for Charlie and visited Delos per engagement. Had a splendid visit, real social time. Got some lemon syrup, talked over our old experiences at home and with “B. F.” In the evening went to town to hear Lane and Blunt. [...]
10th. Sunday. In the morning received a little treasure from Fannie at Richfield. Finished the story of the “Woman in White,” so well told. Like the style. Inspection at ten A. M. Our staff did not go. I went to the creek and bathed. Issued rations for five days. Delos came up from town and [...]