Thursday, 18th. After a good breakfast, cousin went up to camp with me. Officers gone. Went back to town and the Planters. Introduced him to Capts. Seward and Welch. Went about town with him. Enjoyed all. Went to fort and helped in turning over property. In the evening went with Bill Porter and Nichols to [...]
(Fort Leaven worth) Wednesday, 17th. In the morning took the prisoners to the fort and hurried over to Col. Burris. Rode up to south part of town and found Cousin Austin’s. Stayed to dinner. Had a good visit. Made me promise to call in the evening if we stayed in town. Went over in the [...]
Tuesday, 16th. Went on as usual 18 miles and waited for the Major to meet us. Went in and camped between the fort and town. Went down to the Planters House for supper with Sergts. Love, Pierce and Archie. Had my hair cut. Went with Love to theatre. All the officers there. Play was Willow [...]
Monday, 15th. Reached the Kansas river about noon and got crossed before dark. Went five miles to the edge of the prairie and camped. Pleasant place.
Sunday, 14th. Reveille at 4 and off a little before sunrise. Reached Spring Hill at 4 P. M. Charlie Ball and I went out to a house and got supper. Kept us till dark. Got cider.
Saturday, 13th. Marched at daylight. Had a cold ride, chilled through. Reached Twin Springs in time for supper, before dark. Slept soundly under tent. Rained a little during the night.
Friday, 12th. Issued clothing in the morning. Bathed. Marched in P. M. to Fort Lincoln. Took charge of 10 soldier prisoners.
Wednesday, 10th. Maj. P., Capt. S., Capt. N. with 25 men came into the fort. Arrived about 2 P. M. Got supper at Mrs. Harris’–very kind. Other detachment came in. Several boys drunk.
Tuesday, 9th. Saw a good many rebels about Turkey Creek. Camped 30 miles from fort.
Sunday, 7th. Up and off as early as usual. I carried a carbine and rode as usual in the ranks. Saw a large flock of wild turkeys. Advance ran after three “butternuts.” Took two horses. Saw any number of rebels around Diamond Grove. Encamped four miles west of Sherwood.
Saturday, 6th. Up at 3 A. M. and off at daylight as usual. Reached Neosho at 8 P. M. Charlie and I got supper at a private house, secesh. Got into a little fuss with Mart Cole in regard to forage. He pushed me off the wagon and I reported him. He was tied up [...]
Friday, 5th. As we neared Cowskin a good many bushwhackers showed themselves, but at a distance. Camped three miles north of Elk Mills.
Thursday, 4th. Marched to Maysville and camped in town. Cold and uncomfortable. Went to the Secesh hospital and got supper of the family. Good visit with the surgeon. Invited me to stay over night.
Wednesday, 3rd. Met the train coming down–some delay. Sorted out the mail. Several letters for me, Fannie, Lucy, Fred, Charley. Marched to our old camp on Lindsley Prairie.
Tuesday, 2nd. Saw Shattuck. $9.00 extra. Refused. Up early with orders to report with the train to Fort Scott. Most of the boys glad. Marched to Cincinnati (Ark.).
Letter From L. H. Tenney To His Mother And Sisters Camp at Ray’s Mills, Arkansas, Dec. 1, 1862. My Dear Friends: I guess you wonder a little why you don’t hear from your soldier boy. Well, 1 presume you will wonder often if we stay in the field and keep up our scouts and [...]
Sunday, 30th. Had to make out morning report and field report and details. Was kept quite busy all day. In the evening wrote to Fannie A.
Saturday, 29th. Other brigades returned to Cane Hill, where we had been retained as reserve. Our brigade was ordered back to Rhea’s Mills. Moved back and camped north of the mill. Got the mail from the train just arrived. Six letters, two from Fannie, 3 from home and 1 from Will. Happy boy. Several papers.
Friday, 28th. Started out at 5 as advance, but soon were ordered back, as rear guard. Division moved by another road. While at Rhea’s Mills we could hear the cannon roar. How aggravating. Moved on to Cane Hill. Learned that quite a battle had taken place there and on the mountain beyond. Went to a [...]
Thursday, 27th. Up at 3 A. M. and ready to march at sunrise. Went as advance of whole division. I had charge of advance, 20 men. Moved south till within a mile of Rhea’s Mills. Fed ourselves and horses at Gin. and went on. The scouts were in advance most of the time, saw no [...]
Wednesday, 26th. Capt. Welch came up with 15 men and Capt. Greenough with 50 men, increasing our force to 180. At daylight moved on south. Passed through Cane Hill and followed the Division train, which we supposed the rebs were after. Officers feared that they had run into the rebel camp at Dutch Mills. Found [...]
Tuesday, 25th. Went over to see secesh but they had gone. Shattuck went on detail as chief of commissary. Capt. Seward said I must make out morning reports after this. Major Purington received orders to proceed at once with his command to Evansville. Blair’s Battery practised with artillery–shell. Major and detachment started out on a [...]
Monday, 24th. Read 15 or 20 pages in “Hastings.” Made the details. Got my horse shod during the afternoon. Rebel Captain and 25 men with flag of truce came in with sealed orders for Gen. Blunt. Some shrewd fellows they say.
Sunday, 23rd. In the morning commenced Macaulay’s “Warren Hastings.” Kept still during the day and commenced to feel like myself again. Had a good visit with A. B.
Saturday, 22nd. Took a blue pill and three quinine powders during the day. Kept very quiet. Went to bed early and rested well. Still did my usual duties. Letter from home.