Tuesday, 18th. Still rainy and muddy. Lay in the tent unless obliged to get out. Almost homesick. Body guard came back. Sore throat.
Tuesday, 18th. Still rainy and muddy. Lay in the tent unless obliged to get out. Almost homesick. Body guard came back. Sore throat.
Monday, 17th. Made the accustomed details. Papers from home, Herald, the 8th. Archie gave me a bottle of pickles. Lay still in the tent. Boys got a stove and had a good fire. At night feverish again. Very hot fire.
Sunday, 16th. It commenced raining early and kept it up all day. Felt weak and miserable. Still did my duties as sergeant Maj. Some seventy odd contrabands came in from Indian Territory–Creeks. A good many had arms. They had a skirmish with bushwhackers. Seven of their men killed.
Saturday, 15th. Alarm at 4. Saddled and packed up. At nine in line on account of firing heard. Proved to be Capt. Greenough fighting a scouting party. Enemy moved camp about a mile to the prairie west, a little nearer the other brigades. I still felt pretty bad–another slight chill. Lay down by fire but [...]
Friday, 14th. At 2 A. M. moved a mile to the other mill, then lay down by the fire till sunrise. Marched most of the day in the woods, southwest. Found the command encamped at some good springs. I felt very tired and sick, sore throat and chill. Went to bed early. Capt. Seward came [...]
Thursday, 13th. Felt most sick. Had a slight chill–I suppose–afterwards feverish. Moved camp late in the afternoon on account of a report by an old man who came in with two conscript deserters to join our army, that a force of cavalry of 9,000 were moving north, then at Cane Hill. Before midnight orders came [...]
Wednesday, 12th. Lay around most of the day, feeling most sick. Went into the mill. Capt. returned and Bushnell and several boys for a visit. Said Major Purington sent his love at three different times to me. Made me feel good. Sky clear again. Yesterday cloudy and cold.
Tuesday, 11th. Capt. went to camp and left me in charge of Det. Wrote letters home and to Fannie. Felt most sick during the day. Did little. Read the Independent in the evening.
Monday, 10th. After breakfast–poor beef–went into town. Advance with secesh flag and a dozen rushed to it and showed passes from Raines and McDonald–one had taken an oath to shoot every picket, straggler, messenger or pilot he could. Citizens came in for protection. Several recruits came in with guns. 6th sang John Brown and Dixie. [...]
Sunday, 9th. Recrossed the mountain, after a breakfast of hoecake of meal captured from the enemy. Went by another road direct for Fayetteville. Very rough roads and poor country most of the way. Encamped in sight of the town.
Saturday, 8th. Still southwest to Rhea’s Mills ten miles and then breakfast–fresh beef and no salt. Col. Philips here two nights before, two of his Indians shot. Two girls wounded severely by rebels firing into a house. After breakfast went to my own men with Capt. Gave Capt. Lucas detachment–the advance. Direction southeast. Rode 7 [...]
Friday, 7th. Capt. Quigg after examination released “Dr. Brissel” without a parole. Capts. Lucas and Nettleton and all the boys think the man fooled us–black hair and whiskers, good looking and very gentlemanly. Heard no mean expression. When I bade him good morning, three miles out, he shook hands with me, and said if we [...]
Thursday, 6th. In the morning went out with four men to forage three and one-half miles south. Load of oats for 6th and 2nd. The owner just up from Vanburen with two bushels of salt. Seemed to have considerable information, so took him in to Capt. Quigg. One of the boys met me with my [...]
Wednesday, 5th. Up at 3 A. M. After breakfast started for Jones’ Mills, with two companies of 6th Kansas. Some 10th Kansas–two howitzers. Pitched tents and made ourselves comfortable.
Tuesday, 4th. During the day got a report of horses in detachments. Bill and I washed some clothes. Before dark orders came for a company of 2nd O. V. C. to report to Col. Weir with 3 days’ rations. Capt. N. went with 40 men, I along. Reported and after waiting an hour or two [...]
Monday, 3rd. Orders to march at 7. Up at 3 A. M. Breakfasted and in saddle at 7. Advance guard. Marched 8 or 10 miles to Osage Spring 5 miles south of Bentonville, Ark., on Burns’ farm. Got the lady to bake some bread. Went out and killed some chickens. Quite tired at night.
Sunday, 2nd. In the morning read Oct. Atlantic. In the P. M. finished Fannie’s letter. Detail came for Lt. or trusty Srgt. to go out with 30 men as escort to brigade forage teams. Officers said they proposed sending me. I agreed if they wished it, to start at 7:30 A. M.
Saturday, 1st. Lay in camp. Men save ours were mustered for pay. The boys went out and got the body of the Butternut, and buried him in the cornfield–shot in the neck. Wrote home. Bought a jacket of T. R. S. Saw Major P.’s ring we boys have bought for him–nice. Went to bed rather [...]
Friday, 31st. Reveille between two and three A. M. Breakfasted and off in advance at five on backward track. Reported that our rations had run short, a train been captured, etc.–again that we were to join Schofield, etc. Nothing of interest till we reached camp 10 miles from Bentonville, near where they were fired upon [...]
Thursday, 30th. In the rear guard again. Till noon getting to Maysville, a little place, mostly forsaken, a few old people. Tried to catch a hog. Didn’t succeed. Letters from home, Sept. 30th, and an Independent. Read Lorain News. Little article about N. and me being taken prisoners.
Wednesday, 29th. Up at daybreak. In the rear guard. Waited several hours for the train to get by. Stewart and Jacobah came up and joked. Read a Leslie. Very slow work today, so many halts. Can not admire Capt. Seward. Had the impudence to keep me carrying water for him to drink. Lingered to guard [...]
Tuesday, 28th. Reveille at three. Breakfasted and were on the move at 6 in the advance–bound for Maysville. Capt. kept me running a good deal. Passed through Bentonville about noon. Saw several whom I had seen on my other visit there. Passed along two miles. Got plenty of rambow apples at an orchard. Encamped in [...]
Monday, 27th. Report that we are to go to Camp Cleveland, boys all pleased. Made picket detail and heard the officers discuss military tactics. Some rather ignorant. A beautiful day, warm and pleasant in the sun. Cold in the shade. Capt. N. officer of the day. Small train came from the fort and recruits for [...]
Sunday, 26th. Cold but pleasant morning. Made a forage detail to go out with brigade teams. Several of the boys played poker. Read some in Pope. The Iliad. Gibbs strange fellow. Came into the army a professing Christian, a class leader, today he is playing poker with the boys. I occasionally hear an oath from [...]
Saturday, 25th. A cold wintry morning. Never remember of seeing snow so early. Snow fell during the forenoon. Afternoon more moderate. Night cold. Built a big fire of brush. Comfortable.