Jan. 18th. Sunday. In the afternoon rode to town to see Melissa. By invitation stayed to tea and then overnight. Had a first rate visit with Melissa during the evening and wrote a little to Theodore. Intended calling at Mr. Rice’s, but Melissa promised to call and see Libbie.
17th. Saturday. Tried to get my pass signed so as to get away Monday. Drew the rations from the post for the next ten days so as to get away.
16th. Friday. After work went up town in the afternoon. Saw Melissa. Libbie was there. Had a good time. Rode back about dusk. Libbie has concluded to wait until I go home. Good for me.
15th. Thursday. The Buglers went down town and were mustered out. I was not there to get the promised oysters. The others did. D. and John called on Melissa.
14th. Wednesday. Met D. R. in the morning. Gave me a letter from Ella Clark. Went over to Co. H. and read it to the boys. The best I ever received from her, I think. The boys seemed pleased and surely I was.
13th. Tuesday. Spent the day very quietly at home. Worked as usual. Last night Chester treated to the oysters. Buglers expect to be mustered out, very jubilant over it. Wrote a letter home.
12th. Monday. Capt. N. called for me. Went into the house and stayed till noon, then went to the depot and met Melissa and S. R. N. Went with them to N.’s Aunt’s. Plain people. Returned to camp and went down with boys to Mr. Rice’s. Melissa there. Very good visit. Miss Cohen there, too. [...]
11th. Sunday. Stayed at home again and read the Independent and home letters telling of M.’s marriage.
10th. Saturday. Robinson and I issued rations for ten days. Col. Abbey went home on the morning train, also Dan Arnold. In the afternoon had baked beans. Capt. Nettleton returned. Left Melissa with his friends near Delaware. Charlie F. returned.
9th. Friday. Got the rations up from the post Commissary, ready for issue the 10th. Was kept quite busy. Finished “Canoe and Saddle” and read in January Atlantic.
Jan. 8th. Thursday. Saw Delos a few minutes. Wrote to Fannie. Read some in “The Canoe and Saddle” by Winthrop. Don’t like this as well as “John Brent.” Commenced getting bread from baker of 2nd O. V. C. (A. B. N. and Melissa Tenney married today.)
7th. Wednesday. In the morning rode to town and took a telegram for Lt. Abbey to his wife. Went and got Rob’s boots and tried some on. Then rode back to camp again in time for supper.
6th. Delos returned from town and told me of his visit with his sister. Sent my regards and explanation. John got into the guard house for being away without a pass. R. and I went to Mr. Bateham’s, met Libbie Kinney, Will Rice and sister, and Miss Cohen. Went to meeting in the evening, concert [...]
5th. Monday. In the morning George Fairchild called. Pleasant visit. After my work Rob and I rode to the city. Took up my pants for stripes. Got me a vest. Called at Neil House. Phoebe not in. Sorry. Muddy, and I had a servant black my boots! Rode back disconsolate and disappointed.
4th. Sunday. Stayed at home and read the Independent and newspapers. Passed the day very quietly. Wrote a letter home.
3rd. Saturday. Besides my daily work, did little. Took up checks and distributed them. Col. Abbey made me a present of a pair of government pantaloons. I was pleased with the kindness. Heard that Phoebe (Haynes) was in town.
2nd. Friday. Issued bread and beef. Read some. In the afternoon rode to town. Went up into the Senate and heard the big-bugs spout. Went to Quartermaster and selected some pants. Crabbed fellows.
Friday, Dec. 28th, 1862, till Jan. 1st, 1863. Received and answered home letters. Kept at my old duties of Com. Sergt., not very arduous. Delos went home, having received a telegram that his presence was needed there. They had a real family gathering of friends from east, south and west. Came back the 31st and [...]
Thursday, 25th. Rather a quiet day for Christmas. Wonder how the folks at home have spent the day, happily I hope. Received a note through A. B. Went over and had a good visit with him. Told me some encouraging things. Not much faith! In the evening wrote some. Saw Dwight Burrell. The day has [...]
Wednesday, 24th. Went and saw the boys and Col. Abbey. Moved my things over to his quarters. Spent the day looking around and seeing the boys. In the evening wrote to Fannie Andrews.
Tuesday, 23rd. Arrived at Dayton at 2 A. M. Went into a hotel. Landlord very insolent. Turned down the gas on the Major. Major told him he was the meanest man he ever saw. He intimated that he was secesh. I told him to say he was half secesh and we would clean him out [...]
Monday, 22nd. Arrived at Lafayette at 10 A. M. Went to a bakery for dinner. Pie and bread and butter. Remained till 2 P. M. Herb. Kenaston came aboard and went with us to Indianapolis. Had a good visit with him, not much change. Told a pleasing incident about correspondence with Mary Dascomb. Arrived at [...]
Sunday, 21st. After cleaning up in the morning went up town with Brown. Promenade about the leading streets. Then left him and went to the 2nd Congregational Church and Sabbath School. Seemed very much like home but not so full and interesting. Heard a very practical sermon on the use of wealth. The congregation seemed [...]
Saturday, 20th. Reached the river about noon. After some delay were ferried over and marched to the cars. Then waited in a cold wind and occasional sleet for two hours, then marched through the town east to barracks. Got some coffee and hard bread. In the evening had a good fire. Most of the boys [...]
Friday, 19th. Up at 4 A. M. Off on foot for the ferry at 7. Boys started with the Indian warwhoop. All in good cheer. Quite a long walk. Bid Kansas goodbye before noon and were off on hog cars at Weston. At St. Joseph got a lunch, pie, bread and ham. Got some hay. [...]