22nd. Sunday. Storm continues. Some snow on the ground. Worked on shelters for horses out of pine brush. Bosworth and Robinson discharged. Ordered to write of East Tenn. campaign, one chapter in the history of the 2nd Ohio.
21st. Saturday. Rainy and raw. Scouting party went out to Cedar Creek, through the Gap and around the mountain and came back by Fawcett’s Gap. Awful day. A hunt for Imboden’s men. No one seen.
20th. Friday. On picket. Bill Smith on, too. Line visited by Col. Randall, Brig. Ins. and Capt. Houghton, and Officer of the Day.
19th. Thursday. Quiet day in hut. Out to daily duties. Read Atlantic. Coates made Capt. in Colored Regt. yesterday. Snowing.
18th. Wednesday. The glorious news of the fall of Fort Fisher on Sunday, the 15th. Another officers’ meeting. Plan of history submitted–descriptive. The same committee continued for general supervision and compilation.
17th. Tuesday. Spent the day in camp. Grounds fixed up nicely–are complimented often. Boys take hold well. Non-commissioned officers’ meeting.
16th. Monday. Read some. Application for an officer and 8 sergeants made to go home on recruiting service. Officers’ meeting. Determined to have a history of the 2nd Ohio. Newton, Houghton and Dr. McReynold as committee to get up a plan.
15th. Cleaned up and rested. Prospect of going home on recruiting service.
14th. Saturday. Drew clothing. Beat Col. at chess.
13th. Friday. Drew some extra ordnance. Inspected by Corps Inspector. Complimented by him. Have very neat quarters and neat ground.
12th. Letter from Frank. Answered all my letters. Played some at chess.
11th. Wednesday. Letters from Mrs. Wood. Watrous.
10th. Tuesday. Officer of the day. Brigade Hdqrs. A pleasant ride around the lines.
9th. Monday. Put up picket poles and policed ground.
8th. Sunday. Bruce got me a door. Busy with fireplace.
7th. Saturday. Letter from home. Sarah Felton.
6th. Friday. Worked on house some. Uncomfortable day.
5th. Thursday. Relieved late in the day.
4th. Wednesday. Charge of picket. This morning failed to get out at roll call. Did not hear the bugle. My first failure since I have been an officer in the 2nd Ohio. A very cold windy day. Reserve at a large stone barn.
3rd. Finished the chimney and moved into the new house– little more than 8 ft. square.
2nd. Monday. Commenced building fireplace. Morrison worked for me. Very busy day. Tired out at night.
1st. Sunday. After roll call earned a breakfast by chopping wood. Made a good fire. Drew a load of bricks from the country. Many of the boys are suffering from poor boots and short rations. Have worked some today, but conscience clear.
31st. Split logs and laid them up nearly high enough for comfort. Mustered. Very disagreeable morning. Pleasanter in the P. M. Cold night. Home letter. Upon the fly-leaves of the little 1864 war diary book are the following quotations from Dante’s Divine Comedy. The Cary translation was used. My references as to pages are to [...]
30th. Went to work cutting wood for quarters.
29th. Field officer of the day. Moved over upon the Romney pike. Visited the picket line.