19th. Saturday. Officer of the day. “C” Co. on picket in rear of camp. Wrote to Uncle Branch.
19th. Saturday. Officer of the day. “C” Co. on picket in rear of camp. Wrote to Uncle Branch.
18th. Friday. Nettleton returned. Letters from home. God bless the good friends. Commissions for boys. 1st Lt. for me. Letter from Roxena.
17th. Thursday. Relieved by 18th P. V. Got into camp a little before dark.
16th. Wednesday. On picket. Had charge of 2nd Batt. on outpost. Deserters came in. Quiet time. Guard mounting. Harper and Atlantic.
15th. Tuesday. In camp. Read some and did company business.
14th. Monday. Lay in camp. Wrote home, to Sarah and Ella Clark.
13th. Sunday. Reconnoissance by all cavalry to Cedar Creek. No enemy. Very cold.
12th. Saturday. Gen. Rosser attacked 1st Conn. on reconnoissance. 2nd Ohio charged to help them. Both driven back after several charges, in some confusion. Brigade out and drove rebs back–at Shells–hand-to-hand encounter–charge after charge. Col. Hull killed. Drove rebs over the creek, four miles. Rebel brigade came in rear and picked up many stragglers. 2nd [...]
11th. Friday. On picket in P. M. Letter from home. Rebs around.
10th. Thursday. Pleasant morning. Clear and mild. Moved back 2½ miles into camp.
9th. Wednesday. After dinner moved to Mt. Zion church. Met the infantry marching back. Rainy day.
8th. Tuesday. The decisive day of the nation. If the cause of the Union prevails today, liberty and union will be ours forever. God grant the right success. Ordered into camp. Moved back through Newtown. Rosser reported prowling about. Voted. 201 for Lincoln, 4 for McClellan. Glorious for the 2nd Ohio.
7th. Monday. Went to Cold Spring Gap in Great North Mountains, then around to Russel’s Mills and for forage and camp in old place.
6th. Sunday. Inspection of division by Major Otis. Undress parade. Col. Purington took leave of the boys. Given three cheers. Ordered out on two days’ scout. Went to forks of road, Cedar Creek and Strasburg over Little North and camped. Acted Adjt. Very laughable scene. A drunken citizen came in, bewildered and lost, almost frozen. [...]
5th. Saturday. In camp all day. Straightened Q. M. accounts and turned over property to Lt. Dutton.
4th. Friday. Went out with forage detail over in Little North Valley.
3rd. Thursday. A rainy day. Read and wrote on papers. Was at Brig. Hdqrs.
2nd. Wednesday. All quiet. Relieved in P. M. Raw cold day. Dreamed of F. last night. Grief of soul.
1st. Went on picket in P. M. Board of survey in A. M. Beautiful day. Busy on returns.
31st. Monday. Spent the day in camp. Wrote home. Read some in “Dombey & Son.” A great deal of poker going on, commencing with Hdqrs.
30th. Sunday. Received order relieving me from Q. M. duty and assigned to Co. C. McBride a Q. M. Desire to do God’s will.
29th. Saturday. Wrote to Grandpa and Watson Jones.
28th. Friday. Regt. came in and drew clothing. Wrote to Will, Fred and C. G. and D. R. H. Letter from Will, one month on way.
27th. Thursday. Regt. paid off. Drew pay for Sept. and Oct. On picket. Clothing drawn but not issued. Rainy.
26th. Wednesday. In camp. Regt. not picket. Cloudy. Paymaster came.