9th. In the morning moved up to the commissary to make room for Lt. and Mrs. Abbey and child. Brougham came and I went to town with him in the evening. A lunch in town and then to Melissa’s. Major P. and Reeve left for Kentucky. Met Brougham at 10 at Winard’s and went to [...]
Sunday, 8th. Spent the day very quietly in camp. Finished “Tom Brown” and read some in “Sermons on the New Life,” and in my Bible. Archie called for me to go to town with him, but I had some invoices, etc., to make out, so stayed in camp.
7th. After my morning work, issuing bread and beef and tending to my horse, Thede went to town for the girls. Called at Capt. N.’s quarters in the P. M. to see them. Good time. No lesson in the evening, so many of the boys away at theatre. I went over to Chester’s. Played checkers [...]
6th. Called at the captain’s quarters. Told me Fannie Hudson was coming that day at noon. Am glad. Would I could see Will, too.
5th. Continued the reading of “Tom Brown.” The talk of consolidation is making the boys very much dissatisfied. There will be more deserters. In the evening recited my lesson.
Tuesday, 4th. Let Thede go to town on my mare. Read “Tom Brown.” Became quite interested. There seems so much reality in all the sports and tricks. In the evening went to tactic school at Co. K’s quarters. Like it well.
3rd. Tuesday. Commenced taking care of my cream mare. Thede tried her gait. We cleaned her off nicely. Was kept quite busy all day straightening accounts in commissary. A cold, chilly, piercing day. Suffered considerably. Seems good to have Thede with me.
2nd. Got the rations up from the post and Okie (MacDowell) helped me issue them. Thede came down. Helped me clean up about the commissary. Felt rather tired when night came. Wrote two small sheets to Fannie and then retired. A cold night.
Columbus, Ohio 1st. Went up to Melissa’s after breakfast in the rain. N. there. Stayed to dinner. About 2 started out with N. in a drizzle for Camp Chase. Rather tires me walking. Enjoyed rehearsing my good visit home with Ma, F. and other friends.
Jan. 31st. Saturday. We went to Camp Cleveland and saw the boys. Then to Auntie Jones’ to dinner. Down to Alfred’s, Mattie’s and back to Uncle’s. Then with Thede went to see Lizzie Cobb. Not at home. Called on Mrs. H. Cobb. A pleasant time. Off at 6:45. C. G. at the depot. Put up [...]
30th. Friday. Concluded to wait until 2 P. M. Called with Thede at Maria’s, Fannie H. and Fannie A.’s and said goodbye. At two rode out to Cleveland. Time for Holland’s lecture. Ma and T. came on train. Lecture on “Fashion.” Very good. Visited with Uncle and Aunt. Thede went to the Bazaar.
29th. Thursday. Went to Minnie’s at nine. Found E. and M. about to go to the skating pond. Went as far as shop. No ice. Went down by the mill with E. Ice good. Called at Chester’s, Bigelow’s, Ella Clark’s and French’s, Mrs. Kenaston’s and Johnson’s. In the evening saw Fannie. Went down to F. [...]
28th. Wednesday. Went to prayer meeting at nine. Had a nice fall at Goodrich’s. Went to Minnie’s and played chess. Ellie and Minnie came down. Played battledore. Good time. In the evening by invitation went to Libbie’s. Small party. Had a very pleasant time. Pins and backgammon. Got home at 11, in bed by 12.
27th. Tuesday. After breakfast went up to prayer meeting. Met Minnie at the corner. Called with Minnie on Henry Lincoln, Prin. Fairchild, and Haynes. Went to the new house and then home. After a lunch played battledore and game of chess. W. N., F. D., and D. R. called, good time. Took tea with Fred. [...]
Jan. 26th. Monday. In the morning read. At 1 P. M. went up town. Got chess and called at Fannie’s–played some. F. Henderson stopped in. Good visit–played on piano. Went to Young People’s meeting and enjoyed it much. Called on Libbie and played chess. Beat Hattie at checkers. Went to Minnie’s. Had some nuts and [...]
Jan. 25th. Sunday. Met M. at Infant Sunday School. Went to Sunday School with the girls, then to church. Pres. Finney preached. Made some hits about the new chapel. Afternoon sat alone and heard good Dr. Morgan. Minnie at our house to tea. After a nap went over to Mrs. Holtslander’s. Apples, pears and cider. [...]
24th. Saturday. Spent a portion of the afternoon at Fannie’s. F. Henderson was there and we had a good time. Got home early and read in “Fantine” and visited with Ma. Read some in the February Atlantic.
23rd. Friday. Minnie came down and played chess. In the evening met the boys at Fred’s and had a very sociable time. Went to church and heard Fred play on the organ–good.
22nd. Thursday. Had a good visit with Ma. In the afternoon met the “B. F.” at Will’s. Adjourned to Thursday lecture by Prof. Fairchild. Liked it well. In the evening called on Fannie. Home early with Ma.
Oberlin, Ohio. 21st. Wednesday. Stayed at home in the morning. D. R. called. Played a game of chess with Minnie. Saw Ellie. (Mrs. Albert Bushnell.) In the evening called on Fannie, the dear girl. What happiness for me, a poor soldier boy! She has not changed much. The same beautiful, perfect creature of 15 months [...]
20th. Tuesday. Got my pass and started in the rain. Called and told Libbie all ready. At 1 P. M. left with her for home. How good it seemed! Could hardly wait for the slow cars. Pleasant company. At home at 8:30. W. N. and D. R. at depot. Found Minnie and John at our [...]
19th. Monday. Went to work early and got rations issued by noon. But I could not get my pass signed so as to leave. Got memoranda of all stores received and accounts at bakery and .compared all accounts, which proved correct.
Jan. 18th. Sunday. In the afternoon rode to town to see Melissa. By invitation stayed to tea and then overnight. Had a first rate visit with Melissa during the evening and wrote a little to Theodore. Intended calling at Mr. Rice’s, but Melissa promised to call and see Libbie.
17th. Saturday. Tried to get my pass signed so as to get away Monday. Drew the rations from the post for the next ten days so as to get away.
16th. Friday. After work went up town in the afternoon. Saw Melissa. Libbie was there. Had a good time. Rode back about dusk. Libbie has concluded to wait until I go home. Good for me.