4th. Went up for the bread and beef. Visited the barber shop. Sleeked up. Examined our new arms. Like them well. We ought to be able to accomplish something with them. At school in the evening. A. B. has telegraphed for Melissa. Hope she can come tonight. He goes to town. Beat and was beaten [...]
3rd. Rumor about camp that we will leave Monday. We are ready. Arms have come and good ones, too, I guess. Received and answered letters from home and good Fannie. Did me good. No school in the evening so stayed at home and wrote. Snowed in the morning. Pleasant afternoon.
2nd. After issuing bread, got out Rowena and tried her at jumping. Did first rate. Charlie came over and read me Delos’ Journal. Enjoyed it well. In the evening attended class and played three games of chess. Was beaten once and beat twice.
1st. After breakfast and morning work, issued rations. Then cleaned up nicely. Practiced my horse some at jumping. Is learning nicely. Read some in Gail Hamilton and “Les Miserables.” In the evening attended class at Co. H and wrote to Fred Allen.
31st. Got up rations for the next issue. Read some in “Country Living and Country Thinking,” by Gail Hamilton. Was particularly interested in “Men and Women,” a good deal of sense and truth. In the evening wrote to Ella Clark.
30th. After issuing the bread and beef went to Columbus with Chester. It was a delightful ride, the air so mild and warm. Went to the Blind Asylum to see about a collar. Went to a bookstore and bought “Les Miserables.” Got back about 5. Studied and recited lesson in evening. After recitation wrote to [...]
29th. After breakfast cleaned up and changed my clothes. Thede brought a note from home through Tully. Got a lesson and recited to Capt. N. Our new Chaplain, Brown, has been very busy visiting the companies. Hope he may do much good. How we need some religious influence. I long for a closer walk with [...]
28th. Tended Rowena, my saddle mare, and got rations from the Post Commissary. About noon Bob came. Glad to be relieved. Letters from Lucy R., Ella Clark and Sarah Felton. All very good and quite acceptable. In the evening went to class. After it, beat Capt. N. three games of chess. Boiled eggs. Sleeked up [...]
27th. Got into Columbus at 1. After a cup of coffee and lunch, walked out to camp. Delivered letters and packages. Wrote hastily to Fannie. Commenced instruction on Outpost and Picket. Got a lesson and recited in the evening. Read some in “Guide to the Savior.” My heart received new life in my visit home [...]
26th. In the morning played battledore with Melissa. Scored 711 and 637. Made us feel large. D. R. and C. G. who came in last night, were down an hour or two. Went to town. Met Minnie. Called on Lucy Randall at the store, then at Mr. Fairchild’s and at Mr. Lincoln’s door. C. G. [...]
25th. After reading some in the morning, went down to Minnie’s. Heard Ellie sing. Beat Minnie a game of chess. John beat me twice. Stayed to dinner. Did some chores and went down N. P. in the evening. Read and visited. Happy enough. How glorious it will be when war ceases, we victors and peace [...]
24th. In the morning did some errands. Played chess with Thede and Melissa. Oysters for supper. Thede goes back tonight. I could see he dreads it–so do we. In the evening went to N. P. (North Professor street–Fannie Andrews’ home). Had such a good visit. Called at N. P. 2 a few minutes. (Fannie Henderson’s [...]
23rd. Awakened at 3:30 A. M. Off at 4 A. M. Reached Oberlin at 9:15. So good to see the dear friends. Minnie and Ellie came down. At 11 started for Elyria with Delos. Very muddy. Took dinner with Floy. Aunt Mary looking well, pretty little baby. At 8:15 saw Fannie, the dear girl, good [...]
22nd. After morning work, Sergts. Drake and Arnold and Capt. Tod and I rode down to Alton. Very pleasant. Drake is a good boy. Seems to have a heart. After dinner saw Col. Ratliff and got permission to go home three days. Oh what a happy boy. How good it will seem to see Ma [...]
21st. John Devlin went down to Oberlin without a pass. Will probably be punished. Took a letter for C. G. and brought another from Fred which C. G. showed to me. Both good. Issued rations for 11 days. After going round with potatoes, felt rather tired. A sore toe, miserable corn.
20th. Issued bread and beef after breakfast. Then got up rations to issue for the remainder of the month. No lesson again. Read some and played checkers. C. G. slept with me last night and did not wake up, so has had to work all day. He received a letter from Fred.
19th. In the morning cared for Rowena and gave out the bread. Read “Thirteen Months in the Rebel Service” by Stevenson, very interesting. No lesson in the evening. Capt. and Lt. Case gone home. Studied mine but did not care much about reciting. Wish I could go home now, too.
Wednesday, 18th. Day passed about as usual. In the morning answered Fannie’s letter. In the evening at class and at chess with Capt. and Case. Washerwoman was out. I pity the poor laborer for her daily bread and two poor little children. God help the poor in these times.
17th. Day passed very quietly, like others. Soon Camp Chase will be very pleasant, as soon as the sun comes out and dries up the mud. More orders to march, I believe. No arms yet. Some talk that we will be kept in the state to help enforce the coming draft. Boys would like to [...]
16th. Theodore was over awhile after the morning work. Good visit, letter from home. After class in the evening played two games of chess with Chester. One draw game and beat him once.
15th. After the morning work was done, bathed all over. Thede and Lu Emmons came in and stayed some time. Wrote a line to Major Purington and a letter to Cousin Augusta Austin. Read an excellent sermon in the Independent on the differences between the good and bad. Day passed very quietly.
14th. Robinson went home to make a chest for H. quarters. Went over to Capt. N.’s and saw T. E. Davis, Morey, E. W. and Joe Dewey. A letter from Major Purington inquiring about his papers. Got them out and commenced work. Covil said he would do it if I would help him. Evening attended [...]
13th. The Capt. called and asked me to join his school. Got a book and went over in the evening. Then had some maple sugar. Washwoman came in. Pity the poor woman. Her husband has returned and I fear will cause her trouble.
12th. Capt. Nettleton called and gave me a line from home and told me about his visit. Read two or three good lectures in “Currents and Countercurrents.” Went down to Co. H in the evening. Visited with the boys.
11th. After getting up beef and bread, issued rations for 10 days. Drove round in wagon and distributed the potatoes. Through in good season. In the evening played checkers and finished my letter to Fannie. Received a good letter from her, also one from Frederick.