17th. A very hot, sultry, uncomfortable day. Suffered much from the extreme heat. Passed part of the day with Henry. Finished Emma Bartlett or “Prejudice and Fanaticism”, a book borrowed from Mrs. Vickery. Treats some of slavery, both sides, very good.
15th. Moved out at 2 A. M. Mistake in road and went several miles out of way. Morgan 8 hours ahead. Passed through several little towns near Cincinnati. People out with provisions, very warm. Dinner at Batavia. Passed through Williamsburgh and camped at Sardinia. People out with baskets and loads of provisions. Bridge burning continues.
15th. Passed the day much as the other hot days, doing little or nothing. Read some and lay around some. Tried to get some peaches for Henry. Found none, got candy and nuts. Had a very good nap. Sent out letters. The Col. got rations over from town and we issued in double quick time. [...]
14th. Entered Harrison on state line at 2 A. M. Napped and breakfasted. Seemed good to be in Ohio again, and see faces of Ohio people. Passed through New Baltimore, New Springfield, Sharon, Montgomery, Miamiville, in sight of Camp Dennison and camped 5 miles. Morgan has today burned 48 cars, captured 300 militia, etc. People [...]
Sunday, 14th. No services during the day. Mr. Brown said he had an appointment to preach at 10:30, but no one went to hear him. I took a bath, changed my clothes and read in Independent. Stayed awhile with Drake.
13th. Another hot sultry day. Flies swarm about the commissary by thousands–a continual fight to keep them off. Got some lemons for Henry and some candy. Independent and Congregationalist came. Good sermon by Beecher. Both Thede and I are bothered with diarrhÅ“a.
12th. Henry Drake quite bad with abscess on his knee. Rob and I sat up with him. Wrote a line home and to Fannie.
Thursday, 11th. In the morning issued beef and rations for 5 days. Pontoons gone to the river. Dr. Smith returned and reported John Devlin found in the morning, wounded in bowels and died at 3 P. M. yesterday. Chapman also died. Uncertain in regard to Case. Badly wounded, brave fellow. He told me to tell [...]
Wed., 10th. Up at three A. M. and on to the river. Forded and found rations for men and horses. Remained till noon. Talk of recrossing. Fresh troops on hand. Finally went back to camp. Took a nap and got rested–pretty tired.
9th. Awakened at three A. M. Got coffee for breakfast, baked potatoes, but didn’t get done in time. Marched on at daylight. Met the 2nd Tenn. at Capt. West’s,[1] they had crossed and captured 7 or 8 pickets on Mills Springs road. Co. H in advance. Soon came upon the pickets and kept skirmishing for [...]
8th. Issued beef in the morning. Rob and I went out and got some strawberries and milk. Some for Capt. N., getting some better. In the P. M. orders for Kautz brigade to be ready to march at 4 P. M. Thede, Drake and I went together. Forded the river at Stigall’s Ferry and encamped [...]
7th. After breakfast and morning work, went up to the bluff and enjoyed a good bath. A small stream of water enters the ground and runs for half a mile underground and comes out clear and cool from the rocks, beneath a high bluff. Runs through a big trough, falling several feet. Read the Independent [...]
6th. After breakfast and morning work issued rations–beef– at daylight. Felt rather tired after the work. Cleaned a carbine I had used for some time. Rather hard job. Another dry sultry day. Thede feels under the weather. Both have the diarrhÅ“a. Boys went for strawberries, but could not get any. Paymaster here.
5th. Big scuffle with Rob yesterday. Makes me somewhat sore. Played a game of chess with John. Read the Atlantic which A. B. lent me. Called on him. Rather better than for some time. Up most all day. Called at Mrs. Vickery’s and got Shakespeare and some other books. Very pleasant.
4th. After usual work, read some in paper. In the afternoon, went for some strawberries for Brother A. B. and ourselves. Had a nice meal of them, 25 cents per quart. Enjoyed them much. Mailed a letter to Melissa from A. B. Offered to write myself.
3rd. Day passed much as usual. Played a little chess with Thede and Johnny. Called on the Capt. Found him about the same. Stomach much out of order and some fever. Called for bread at Widow Vickery’s. Permission to borrow some books.
2nd. Saw the Capt. again and got permission to write to Melissa. Wrote short letter, did not feel very well myself. Sent letters to Melissa, Fannie and Sarah Felton. I believe 9th Army Regts. marched in the night. Destination supposed to be Vicksburg.
Monday, 1st. Ration day. After breakfast and morning work, we went at it. Hereafter to have fresh beef every day. Pontoon train arrived in P. M. indicating a forward move. Talk of pay; order reducing of baggage to 30 Ib. Capt. Nettleton sick. Commenced a letter to Fannie.
31st. Felt better and got up to breakfast. Cleaned up and rode to water with Thede. Capt. N. has been quite sick for several days, bowel complaint principally. Thede called on him. C. G. came over. Walked a little. Wrote a few lines to Fred. Read the Congregationalist. Chaplain preached in the evening. Frequent thunder [...]
30th. Rained last night. Eleven prisoners came in at 9 A. M. Pickets captured. Soon after 22 others. Kautz went to the forks before halting. Crossed at 2 A. M. and hastened towards Monticello, sending Detachments to the different fords to capture pickets. “E” and “C” covered the retreat. Skirmished a good deal. 20 to [...]
29th. Felt quite feverish in the morning. Afternoon, light attack of ague. Felt miserable all day. Got badly beaten at chess in the morning by Chester. Spent a very restless night. Sore, headache and uneasy every way. Thede very kindly did my work. Col. Kautz went out with 450 men. Aggravating.
28th. Spent the day in camp as usual. Read May Ballou. Some good things and some silly. In the evening felt quite aguey.
27th. In the morning Rob went over to town with his Charlie. I believe he has said that he would prefer to give up a hope in Heaven rather than the horse. In the afternoon I took my boots over to town to get them repaired. Went for them in the evening.
26th. Charlie came over in the morning. Finished letters home and to Fannie A. Yesterday was birthday of Fred Allen. Wrote him a congratulatory letter according to program. Rode over to town with the letters. Letter from home–Minnie.
25th. After breakfast, just as most of the Cos. had started to graze, word came that rebels were crossing at Fisher’s Creek in force and had captured pickets. “Boots and Saddles” sounded and we were soon under way for the ford. Issued rations first. Rebels gone. Followed trail some distance and rested at the Brewery. [...]