22nd. After breakfast went to hospital. Did some chores. Got horse for Davenport, who has enlisted with C Co. and took the cars at 9. Crowded. Mason coming back to regiment. Proposals for re-enlistment talked of. Co. D about concluded. Reached Greenville about dark. Stopped with the boys. Very comfortable time. Boys rather discouraged at [...]
20th. Cleaned up and started for Knoxville at 8 A. M. Came near being left. Hired a horse and hurried on. Davenport with us. Went about K. some with him in search of friends. Went up and saw Charlie. Supped and stayed with him over night. Had some barbering done. Went to hospital and saw [...]
19th. Breakfasted and got under way about nine. People very afraid that we were going to fall back again. Passed through Rheatown, Greenville and reached Bull’s Gap about dark. Got supper with Lt. Pearson. Stopped to see Darling–away visiting. Getting along well. Stopped to make inquiries about the chase. Killed one man, wounded one and [...]
18th. Moved on after breakfast. Passed through Jonesboro. Stopped and saw Dick Bail and Bishop. Both doing well. Camped about two miles west of town. The Batt. gave three cheers for Brough, 65,000 majority. At 3 P. M. Col. P., Lts. Hamlin, Houghton, Eggleston, McBride and self and 8 men started for Knoxville. Stopped three [...]
17th. Early breakfast and then moved. Took the Zollicoffer road, whole Brigade. Co. H went on with Shackleford. Stopped and tore up two miles of track and burned the bridges. Still in charge of Batt. Capt. Stewart sick and Lt. Bills under arrest. About 5 P. M. report came that enemy were coming. To horse. [...]
16th. Kept watch over Davenport. About midnight scout went out. Got a tent from warehouse. Boys got plenty of tobacco from warehouse. Many stores and private buildings were broken into and plundered. Soon after daylight the Col. becoming disgusted moved out three miles for breakfast. Ordered back about noon. Burned 15 cars, three engines and [...]
15th. Breakfasted and moved through Blountville towards Bristol. Rested at B. till noon, waiting for reports from Foster’s Brigade–gone to Bristol and 7th Ohio gone to Zollicoffer. Bristol very enterprising little town–thoroughly secesh. Girls all pouting. Sullivan County all rebel. Got a late rebel paper. Little news from Rosencrans. Not very encouraging. Passed through and [...]
14th. Up and breakfasted before sunrise. Skirmishing commenced before fairly on the road. 2nd called to the front, Co. C as skirmishers on left of the road in open field. Ordered to gain a piece. Deployed and advanced. When 10 rods from the woods, opened upon us. Boys dropped behind apple trees and fence and [...]
13th. Got the desk out and papers to vote. Mail came. Seven letters for me. Fannie, Ella, Fred, Will and home. Never felt as today, an epoch in my life. Felt sad all day. Ordered forward. Moved out on Blountville road, damp day and somewhat rainy. Read considerable in the Independent. Letters seem so acceptable [...]
12th. Up at an early hour, breakfast and then move on. Again took the advance. Reached Jonesboro. Rebels passed last night in great hurry. 2nd Batt. passed through Jonesboro and went on scout to Johnson’s Station. Rebels left three hours before. One rebel deserter, W. S. Davenport, thinks of joining Co. A. Smart fellow from [...]
Sunday, 11th. Enemy found to have gone. Infantry pursue. Pass them before reaching Greenville. Hear of the enemy at Henderson and Rheatown, and Foster heading them. Trotted and loped much. Could hear artillery from Henderson to R. Then dismounted and part of regiment went in. Enemy break, then again pursue. Keep the advance till sundown. [...]
10th. Before breakfast was over, “Boots and Saddles” sounded. Packed up and moved to Blue Springs. Burnside up. Ordered to various parts of the field but always recalled till near night when the 9th A. corps charged and drove the enemy. Result of day’s fighting, 60 wounded and 8 killed. Bivouacked where night found us. [...]
9th. Sent out with “C” and “E” companies for forage. An attack on train anticipated. Went where Co. I had scare the other day. Was touched by the mourning of a lady over the devastation the army was causing. I feel thankful that my best friends are far from the presence of war. Finished letters [...]
8th. Sergt. Beers worked on Quarterly Returns. Corp. Wood went out with detail and got potatoes and honey. Thede went for some apples, and took my washing. Orders came to make report or history of companies, all the details since their formation. A tedious duty with all books away. Wrote part of letter to Fannie. [...]
7th. A rainy unpleasant day. Wagons up. Tent fly lost. Got one of Lt. Pedrick who had three. Also got hospital fly for the boys. Wrote to friends of Samuel Barnes–said a word in regard to the demise of his brother William. Co. felt sad that no notice had been taken before.
6th. In morning was called again to answer some charges against picket. Boys cleared everything up. Made me feel bad that so much should be charged against us when innocent. Sent boys out after provisions. Commenced work on Quarterly Returns. Mason down to settle.
5th. Went over to the house and learned the damage. Very pleasant people. How these people are suffering and will suffer during the year. Whole Brigade and 103rd made heavy reconnoissance. Several killed, wounded and prisoners. Seven of the 103rd missing. Relieved after dark by Lt. Lough, Co. A and M. All in camp supposed [...]
4th. Did very litle in the forenoon. Robertson and Ritter ate with us. In P. M. detailed with 20 Co. B as picket. Relieved Co. L and Lt. Hillhouse. House robbed by old relief. Went out and posted the pickets. Then went into camp and learned if we were right in instructions. Thede with me. [...]
3rd. Col. blamed none but himself yesterday; said he had misgivings immediately and thought fortunate that all were not taken. Moved before midnight. Camped at 2 A. M. near a creek, “Muddy,” called, I believe. Five miles from Bull’s Gap. In P. M. alarm, and 2nd and 7th took positions and had some skirmishing. One [...]
2nd. After breakfast mounted and reported to Col. Purington, a mile ahead. Co. H had been to Greenville and discovered nothing but reports. Co. C, 23 men, ordered to go till we found whether the rebels were camped at Henderson, 6 miles east of Greenville. Things looked suspicious as we went along but nothing very [...]
1st. Train all gone to Bull’s Gap. A drizzling rain all day. Had just got in with forage and provisions when several pickets were taken and camp alarmed. Fell back by companies for several miles to prevent a flank movement–reported. Co. C occupied a barn. Rained all night, very fortunate. My birthday anniversary (twenty-two). Would [...]
30th. At 3 A. M. whole Brigade fell back, 2nd Ohio in the rear. Arrived at Greenville and found that troops had all fallen back. People in town seem to feel very sad. All houses closed and hardly a person to be seen. Some few ladies in tears. Oh it seemed very sad indeed. Brigade [...]
29th. Sent out forage detail and provision detail. Train came up and got things out. Issued rations to finish the month. Plenty of everything save hard bread. Read some in “Harold.” At 3 P. M. ordered out, scouting party reporting that enemy in column was moving this way. Was left temporarily in command of Battalion [...]
28th. Went into camp soon after breakfast to see the Conscript messengers mustered. Mail came, nothing for poor me– somewhat disappointed. Boys all happy. Firing on pickets in front. Two men and 7 horses of 7th Ohio taken from Reserve. Whole command turned out. Force sent out and met by Rebels with Artillery. Train sent [...]
Sunday, 27th. Sent out foraging party. Moved at 8 o’clock. Passed through Jonesboro about noon. Camped four and a half miles from town. Co. C detailed as picket. Post northwest of camp on Kinsport road. Two rebel families near by. Made a levy of bacon and potatoes and chickens. Gave receipt Bowman and Matthews. In [...]