13th. Notice of appointment from Adj. Gen’l of Ohio as captain came. Went over to muster. No success. Several promotions.
13th. Notice of appointment from Adj. Gen’l of Ohio as captain came. Went over to muster. No success. Several promotions.
12th. Monday. Wrote letter for Fecklin and several in answer to letters for Co. “C” people. Awfully cold.
11th. Sunday. Snowed all last night. 6 inches of snow this morning. Wrote to Fred, C. G., Ella and home.
1st. Thursday. 2nd Ohio in rear. Kept along down North river. Passed through “Hanging Rock” Gap. Scenery grand. Camped at Capron Bridge in Lost River valley, 18 miles below Wardensville. On picket. Easy post.
10th. Saturday. Cold day. No drill. Boys on picket.
9th. Friday. In camp. Wrote to cousin Sarah in answer to letter received today. Drilled 3rd Batt. in rear formation.
8th. Thursday. Relieved in good season.
7th. Wednesday. On picket. Put up with Co. B. Charge of 3rd Batt. Pleasant time. Cold night. Excellent letters from Ella and Will. Heard reports of promotion.
6th. Tuesday. In camp. Bill Smith officer of the day.
5th. Monday. 2nd Ohio went out to Fisher’s Hill on a scout. Got back in evening. Enemy reported in front by 2nd N. Y. Big fires. Thought they heard bugles, etc. Co. C in advance. No enemy.
4th. Sunday. Wrote several letters and read. Heard a sermon at Brigade Hdqrs.
3rd. Saturday. Spent the day in camp. Was officer of the day. Wrote to Uncle Milo.
2nd. Friday. Went into our old camp at 2 P. M. Mail from home.
30th. Wednesday. Up at 4 and on the road at 5. The most beautiful sunrise from the vast height. A grand view of mountains stretching away for miles in all directions. 2nd Ohio in advance. Reached Moorfield at 10 A. M. Remained till 2 P. M. Returned via northwestern grade. Camped 13 miles from M. [...]
29th. Tuesday. Crossed the Big North at Cold Springs Gap. Passed through Wardensville and got dinner and fed. Co. “C.” eight men. Very disagreeable march last night. Beautiful day, mild and delightful. Am happy as a lark in the sunshine. Enemy reported at Moorfield. Went on after half an hour’s rest. God grant us success [...]
28th. Monday. In camp all day. Got mustered as 1st Lt. After supper, “General” and “Boots and Saddles” blew. Lay till twelve and then pulled out on back grade and Moorfield Pike.
27th. Sunday. Brigade inspection in the morning. Officers and men are becoming pretty thoroughly disgusted with Col. Pennington on account of his mean and inconsistent orders. Wrote home.
26th. Saturday. Remained in camp. Read and wrote to Will.
25th. Friday. Thanksgiving chickens for dinner. Wrote to Mrs. Beers. Forage caps issued. Considerable dissatisfaction among the boys. Band played some time.
24th. Thursday. After breakfast went on picket on middle road, on reserve post. Very quiet but cold–little sleep. Many prayers have gone up today for the welfare of the soldiers and the salvation of the country. May God soon bring the rebs to their senses and bring an honorable peace with freedom to all men.
23rd. Wednesday. Resumed our backward march, the rebs following as far as Fisher’s Hill. Very cold. Walked till sore footed. Went into old camp.
22nd. Went on to Mt. Jackson and found the whole of Early’s army posted two miles beyond. Quite lively skirmishing. 2nd Ohio in rear at the creek. Had charge of 3rd Battalion, broken as soon as rebs charged through town. Colors in front. Charged back several times. Infantry kept close on heels of the cavalry. [...]
21st. Monday. Out before daylight and moved at 6 A. M., 2nd and 3rd Divisions. A rainy, cold, disagreeable day. Camped just beyond Woodstock.
20th. Sunday. Rest of regt. on picket. Wrote to Lizzie Cobb. Drew rations and ammunition.
19th. Saturday. Officer of the day. “C” Co. on picket in rear of camp. Wrote to Uncle Branch.