30th. Barracks fitted up as comfortable as possible. “I” and “C” officers together. Wrote a line home and to Fannie. Paroled. Moved.
War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.
January 30, 2024 0 comments
30th. Barracks fitted up as comfortable as possible. “I” and “C” officers together. Wrote a line home and to Fannie. Paroled. Moved.
29th. Passed through Cincinnati before daylight. Left for Columbus at 7:30. Stopped opposite Camp Chase and walked over. Got supper at boarding house. Boys poor accommodations.
27th. Concluded to bury Extell’s remains in city. Went to Gait House for breakfast. Bought a pair of boots. Evening saw Corsican Brothers, went with company.
26th. Found Extell under seats dead, poor boy. Has suffered much, not been alive for months. Procured coffin. Started from Bowling Green before noon. Slow work. At Louisville at 10:30 P. M. Went to Barracks in city, coffee and bread, poor and nasty barracks.
25th. Breakfast with Drake, Maj. Seward and nephew. Dinner with Capt. Case. Turned over arms. Lt. Pedrick wounded accidentally in foot. Cars at 5 P. M. Crowded and slow. Private Extell died.
24th. At Nashville, 9 A. M. quartered at Seminary Barracks. H. Drake and I went to dinner at a restaurant. Saw colored troops drilled and inspected. Went about town. Some splendid residences. Randall quite sick with pleurisy.
23rd. At 5 filled box cars. Rode outside. Cold and frosty. Very crooked road winding among the mountains south of Tenn. River. 7th on at Bridgeport, Alabama. Saw Oberlin boys. Three months more only. Lay at Stevenson till dark. Read, ate, lounged and napped. Made the most of a crowded car for sleep. Would have [...]
22nd. Aroused at four to march at 5. Failed to get off. Saw Hy Smith, Goodsell and Walker, Charley Brooks and Milo Cravath –Chaplain 100th O. Climbed Lookout Mt. with Hugh, Smith and Lu Emmons. Difficult job, but well paid. Scenery grand. In camp at 11. Coffee and went to bed. Scarcity of blankets. Much [...]
21st. It is astonishing how much the people of E. Tenn. have put up with, and how ignorant and coarse they are. Have seen but one young lady in Tenn. whose clothes have fitted her and who has acted the lady. 27 miles from Chattanooga. Great time at dinner at one Shoemakers–rebel. Guard there–impudent. Got [...]
20th. Off early. Every morning and noon have to wait for somebody. Considerable sport. Took dinner after passing the Hiawasse, where they had a rail-mauling, quilting and dance last night. Most of the country turned out. Good deal of smallpox scattered through the country. People alarmed. Put up with some poor Union people. Slept in [...]
19th. Early start. Water rough. Gave up canoe. Stopped for dinner. Put up 12 miles from Hiawasse. Mr. Georges, poor man, but rebel. Rebel girl. Member of church, chews, smokes and dips and drinks poor whiskey.
18th. Rainy. Passed White Creek Shoals in the morning as Regt. came up. Let several boys in flatboat. Many boys on the river. Gay times. Stopped at Mr. Brown’s–rebel. Good accommodations. Snow.
17th. Found a dugout at noon. Rol and I went ahead and engaged dinner. Pulled on in P. M. Ab and I in canoe. Stayed over night at a Union man’s. Courtship scene. None of Tenn., her women, institutions and privileges for me.
16th. Went down with Smith and Bob for dinner. Failed. Good supper at the hotel. Started down the river at dark–in pontoon. Smith, Sheldon, Stopper, Rol. Morgan, Ab Cole, Nash, Geo. Hart, etc. Went down three miles and put up at log barn–fire.
15th. On soon after daylight. Meal and coffee for breakfast. Raised a little blood. Hard work. Meat and salt. No prospect of boat. I am played out.
14th. Little to do. No boat. Marched at 2 P. M. for Kingston–6 miles–and camped. Dr. Noble and I bunked together.
13th. Rations of flour. Up early. Many officers at Chamberlain’s. Off on the cars at 9:30. Gen. Foster on board–don’t like his style. Loudon at 2 P. M. Went to barracks. (30 days’ “veteran furlough” for those of the 2nd O. V. C. who re-enlisted.)
12th. Went to Hospitals with Dr. Smith to see sick. 2nd O. V. C. hospitals in wretched condition. Saw Joshua–sick–and fixed papers. Part of regt. came down.
11th. Several boys not inclined to go home. Assigned to 7th O. V. C. Thomas, Peck, Kearn, Beach, Montgomery, Bentley, Rutzel. Good boys, sorry. Relieved Hamlin. Went to Knoxville to fix papers. Slept with Avery on floor at Charley’s.
10th. Packed up and moved to regt. Boys got their things ready to turn over. Hines inspected property.
9th. Busy on company papers. Helped Davis. Still very cold. Got June to take Jennie[1] to Maj. N. Rode my Spike. No trouble. [1] The “Jennie” referred to was Jennie Green, a bright and comely mulatto slave girl of fifteen, who was owned by Dr. Peck who lived near Knoxville, Tenn., and who begged Major [...]
8th. Lt. David relieved me. Went to company and returned. All busy at work. Got permission to remain at Dr. Peck’s till Sunday. Rode back very fast.
7th. Regt. passed by to Strawberry Plains to turn over horses and equipments. Saw Col. Garrard and got his photo. Bade him goodbye. Gave me a compliment. Got relieved. Saw Miner–full of bombast and gas.
6th. About quarters most of the day. Read in “Autocrat of the Breakfast Table.” Cold. Evening Dan and I went to Regt. Good time. Lost sugar. Back late. Little “taffy” and to bed.
5th. Last day for re-enlistment. Most of the boys in favor. N. telegraphs that proposition has been accepted and regt. will be ordered home within fifteen days. Boys all excitement.